

eat in

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v.eat out



1.可供用餐的big enough for eating in as well as cooking in


v.1.to have a meal at home instead of in a restaurant

1.在店里吃 straw 吸管; eat-in 在店里吃; hamburger 汉堡; ...

2.可供堂吃 ... eat 罢食 Eat-in 可供堂吃 eat ... raw 鲜食 ...

3.聚餐会 die-in 死亡示威 eat-in 聚餐会 laugh-in 谐趣节目 ...

4.里吃喝的是英国的cafe卖东西,无论是饮品还是食物,在店里吃喝(eat-in)和带走是不一样的价钱,eat-in显然更贵,有时候贵20%还 …

5.厨房餐厅一体化当前位置:首页 > 创意 > 12个厨房餐厅一体化eat-in)设计方案回到顶部 Themes by HTMLIT for Powered By Z-Blog 2.1 Pho…


1.How much do you spend per person when you eat in a Chinese restaurant?2*在中国餐馆用餐时,平均每人的消费是(人民币)?

2.How much pie can you eat in a single sitting?您在一餐饭的时间内可以吃下多少份派?

3.If you were to ask me would I eat in a restaurant where there were rats, I would say I probably already do.如果你问我是否会在有老鼠的饭馆用餐,我会回答多半早就用过了。

4.All the same, one of the simplest steps to help ensure that the world has enough to eat in 2050 would be to scrap every biofuel target.尽管如此,确保世界2050年有足够的吃的最简单的办法之一就是,取消所有生物燃料的指标。

5.We pampered Kate for a while, letting her eat in her room, surrounding her with special attention.有几天,我们宠着凯特,让她在自己的房间里吃饭,周围一直有人照顾着。

6.Do not buy a computer on broadband, pke Jiurou are ready to eat in the former as a monk.买了电脑不上宽带,就好比酒肉都准备好了却在吃饭前当了和尚。

7.We got all the puns out of the way quickly and sat down to eat in a small and extremely French restaurant.我们迅速抛开所有的客套话,在一间小的非常具有法国风味的餐馆坐下来吃饭。

8.If I see a lovely fruit salad ready to eat in the fridge, that's what I'll want to eat.所以如果我看到冰箱里一个可爱的水果色拉,那么我就会想去吃它了。

9.If you pned up all the sandwiches Westerners eat in a year, they would go around the world 13 times!如果把一年中所有吃三明治的西方人排起队来,能围绕地球达13圈之多!

10.Before long , many dines stayed open around the clock . In other words , people were able to eat in a dinner at any time .不久,许多路边餐馆昼夜营业。换句话说,人们随时可以进去吃饭。