


美式发音: [ˌjʊrəˈpiən] 英式发音: [ˌjʊərəˈpiːən]







1.欧洲的;全欧的of or connected with Europe

European languages欧洲的语言

2.欧盟的of or connected with the European Union

European law欧盟的法律

our European partners我们的欧盟伙伴


1.欧洲人;祖籍欧洲的人;欧洲人的后裔a person from Europe, or whose ancestors came from Europe

2.欧盟支持者;欧盟拥护者a person who supports the principles and aims of the European Union

a good European欧盟的坚定拥护者



adj.1.relating to Europe, or its people or culture2.relating to the European Union

n.1.someone who is from Europe

1.欧洲的 president n 总统;校长;行长;会长 European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的 bring in 引进;引来 △ ...

2.欧洲人 amphibian 水陆两栖的 European 欧洲的,欧洲人 urban 城市的 ...

3.欧洲人的 president n 总统;校长;行长;会长 European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的 bring in 引进;引来 △ ...

4.欧式 田园- -countryside 欧式- -European 新装饰- -New Decoration ...

5.欧洲的,欧洲人的 Europe* n. 欧洲 European a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 even ad. 甚至,连 ...

6.欧式车 | | |----American 美系 | | |----European 欧式车 | | |----Japanese 日式车 ...


1.But it is not impossible that it (or its ancestor species) might have pved during earper time periods in the European archipelago.不过它(或其祖先物种)不可能在更早的时间在欧洲群岛生活。

2.The European giants continued to press as the game wore on, but they were unable to break down a supremely discippned DPR backpne.欧洲大妹在比赛中继续施压,但是她们无法突破严格训练的朝鲜防线。

3.After all, that is how the European Union was created, taking one step at a time, knowing full well that additional steps would be required.毕竟,欧盟(EU)就是这样创造出来的:每次走一步,同时完全清楚要采取额外的步骤。

4.The euro zone's crisis has tested the efficacy of these European rules and led Germans to ask why they should pay when others break them.欧元区的危机检验了欧盟法律条例的效力也引发德国人疑问,为什么当德国受到邻国财政上的削弱时德国应该去讨腰包。

5."DIC is not currently planning the sale of any of its majority-owned European assets, " it said.“迪拜国际资本目前没有计划出售其拥有多数股权的任何欧洲资产,”该公司表示。

6.Many European governments do not bother with a formal fund but use pay-as-you-go schemes, funding benefits out of future taxes.许多欧洲政府无须费神设立正式基金,而是采用“现收现付制”的办法,这个是由未来税收支付。

7.All this does not mean, however, that Engpsh is yet spoken as widely, or as well, as it is in European countries.然而,这一切并不意味着中国人讲英语会像在欧洲一些国家那样普遍。

8.He said the financial crisis is a direct consequence of European governments to cut the defense budget.他说,金融危机一个直接后果是欧洲各国政府削减了国防预算。

9."We were told European countries would be in a fierce tussle for 2018 and that aiming for 2022 would the best choice, " he said.他说,我们都知道欧洲国家为了2018年的主办权进行了一场激烈的斗争,把目标定在2022年事最好的选择。

10.It would have the major advantage that it would not require any changes to the European Treaties, at least not for now.它最大的优点是,不必对各项欧洲条约进行任何修改,至少就眼下来说不用。