




1.布朗 主场体育馆:冈德体育馆( Gund Arena) 现任主教练:麦克-布朗( Mike Brown) 克里夫兰骑士 Cleveland Cavape…

5.湖人总教练布朗 马特-罗斯, Matt Rose 迈克-布朗, Mike Brown 塞伊, Rick Say ...

7.湖人教头布朗湖人教头布朗Mike Brown)赞许拜能此役表现,说他是球队赢球第1功臣。 帮助陈光诚的人继续遭到中共迫害 【禁言博客】“ …


1.Mike Brown would have been the guy, had the Lakers not tapped him, and I think LeBron would have been supportive of that.如果不是输给过湖人,迈克-布朗可能会坐上那个位置,我想勒布朗也会积极支持他。

2.That was when Caltech astronomer Mike Brown found a tiny, frigid world orbiting some three times further out than Pluto.那时加州理工学院的天文学家迈克布朗发现了一个微小极寒的星体,它的运行轨道比冥王星的远三倍。

3.The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move.发现厄里斯的科学家——加州理工学院的天文学家MikeBrown认为,冥王星的降级是正确的。

4.So it was odd when Cavapers Coach Mike Brown acknowledged that he sent tape of the foul to N. B. A. headquarters for clarification.因此当骑士队主教练迈克-布朗表示他已经向NBA总会提交这次犯规的录像带要求给予解释时人们表示不解.。

5.Mike Brown should be fired-Very similar to Mike Dantoni, he is not a good situational coach.布朗应该下课,他与安东尼很有些相象,都不是一个善于应变的优秀教练。

6.The idea thatKobe Bryant (notes) would've ever calledLeBron James (notes) for a confidential scouting report on Mike Brown is sheer fantasy.如果你认为科比·布莱恩特会给勒布朗·詹姆斯打电话,请他做秘密球探并汇报麦克·布朗的情况,那这完全是胡思乱想。

7.Under new coach Mike Brown, Cleveland won 50 games and finished second in the NBA Central.根据新的主教练麦克布朗,骑士队赢得了50场比赛,并完成了在全联盟第二位。

8.Mike Brown, who is in contention with Orlando's Stan Van Gundy for East head coach, cannot vote for Wilpams.不能为威廉姆斯投票,但作为与奥兰多魔术队的斯坦范甘迪争夺东部总教练的面包先生布朗。

9.head coach Mike Brown has paid the price for the Lakers' poor start to the new NBA season主教练麦克布朗为湖人在NBA新赛季的惨淡开局付出了代价。