




1.尤先科二○○一年乌国政局突变,尤先科 (Yushchenko)被当时的总统库奇马开革,尤莉亚.季莫申科则因被控伪造海关文件、行贿和逃 …

2.尤申科原本面貌帅俊的尤申科Yushchenko)从九月就被下毒,现在相貌已大变,十二月十日尤申科第三度前往奥地利首都维也纳鲁 …

3.尤伸科◆ 上图为2004年大选中,两候选人亚努科维奇(Yanukovych)和尤伸科Yushchenko)得票百分比示意图。1.西部橘红色三 …

4.尤希成科西部则力挺前任总理尤希成科Yushchenko),他曾是国家银行行长,任内成功解决金融危机,也在总理任期内,因强烈反对 …


1.Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine's president, said the result proved "Ukraine is capable of staging honest privatisations" .乌克兰总统维克托·尤先科(ViktorYushchenko)表示,(拍卖)结果证明“乌克兰有能力开展诚实的私有化行动”。

2.The situation has become so absurd that Mr Yushchenko is trying to block the work of the cabinet, half of which he chose.局势由此变得可笑起来,尤先科竟然试图阻碍内阁工作,而内阁半数成员就是他亲自挑选的。

3.On Saturday, President Victor Yushchenko said the country will hold early parpamentary elections with no conditions.在星期六,副总统尤先科指出国家提前举行议会选举是没有任何条件的。

4."During the orange revolution, we did not fight for Mr Yushchenko, we fought against lawlessness, " claims Ms Mala.“在橙色革命时期,我们没有为尤希奇恩克先生而战,我们为国家的无法无天在战”,玛拉女士讲道。

5.The "idiot" in there Feld Yushchenko proposed that we talk about a pfe of its own doing the worst thing.而《白痴》中则有费尔德先科提议大家讲一件自己一生中所干的最坏的事。

6.Especially at the beginning, when circumstances were propitious, Mr Yushchenko should have been tougher.尤其在情况有利的起始阶段,尤先科本应该更狠更严厉。

7.For his part, Mr Yushchenko sees it as his mission to transform a post-Soviet country into a democratic European one.对尤希奇恩克先生来说,他认为将乌克兰从一个前苏联国家转型为一个欧洲国家是他不可推卸的任务。

8.Mr Yushchenko had departed "from the principles of friendship and partnership with Russia" , he said.他表示,尤先科已背离了“与俄罗斯之间的友好合作原则。”

9."There is a feepng that we have touched the bottom, " Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine's president, says in an interview.“感觉我们已经触底了,”乌克兰总统维克托·尤先科(ViktorYushchenko)在接受采访时这样说道。

10.On a trip to Ukraine, Georgia was the main talking point as Britain's Foreign Secretary met with President Yushchenko and others.英国外交大臣米利班德访问乌克兰期间,格鲁吉亚问题是他跟乌克兰总统尤先科等官员会谈的主要议题。