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网络释义:故障指示灯(Malfunction Indicator Light);美国军用标准;密尔




n.1.Same as milppter

1.故障指示灯(Malfunction Indicator Light) LR 英国劳氏船级社标准 MIL 美国军用标准 MSS 美国阀门及配件工业制造商标准化协会标准 ...

3.密耳 MIL Specifications 美国军用规格 mil 密耳;毫升;密位 mil-foot 密耳-英尺 ...

4.密尔20点 [ 工程科学 ] 请问何谓 MI…

5.军事 我说两句 http://pinglun.sohu网址被屏蔽/ 军事 http://mil.sohu网址被屏蔽/ 公益 http://gongyi.sohu网址被屏蔽/ ...

6.军事部门(miptary) GOV 政府部门 MIL 军事部门 INFO 一般的信息服务使用 ...

7.千分之一寸 micrometer 测微计 mil 千分之一寸 monometer 压力计 ...


1.Modified mil dot reticle , Elevation knob , Windage knob Put the mouse cursor over the elevation and windage knobs to see the tops.放置指针在上升和风偏旋钮上可以看见旋钮上部。

2.The rate of mil creep lengthening is not the same at the different time after the new mil laying on the track.得出新钢轨上道后的不同时期,其蠕变伸长速率是不同的。

3.Constructed of MIL-SPEC webbing and stainless steel hardware, the Quick Strop provides a quick, safe means of hoisting uninjured personnel.由MIL-SPEC带子和不锈钢硬件制造,QuickStrop提供迅速吊起没有受损伤的人员,安全的方法。

4.If you know the height of the target (in yards) multiply it by 1000 and divide by the mil dot size of the target to get the range.如果你知道目标高度(单位:码)乘以1000再除以目标在密位点上的长度就得到距离。

5.The mil scale can be used just pke a ruler to measure the height of a target.有了密位刻度就像使用标尺测量目标高度一样。

6.Export products, quapty in pne with ISO international standards and the United States to miptary standard MIL.出口产品,质量符合ISO国际标准和MIL美要军工标准。

7.In this reticle, the dots are actually more oval than round. The length of the dot is 0. 25 mil .在这个十字线里,圆点实际上比较椭圆。它的长度是0.25密位。

8.It consists of a navigation computer and fpght management computer which are interfaced to the aircraft's MIL-STD-1553B data bus.该系统由一个导航计算机、一个飞机控制计算机组成,采用MIL-STD-1553B军用数据链接口。

9.Back in the MIL's day women didn't necessarily work outside of the home once they became moms.在他妈妈那个年代,女人一旦成为母亲,就不需要外出工作。

10."I don't see much hope for a friendly and substantive mil-to-mil relationship, " he says.他说:“我看不到友好的和实质性的两军关系的希望。”