



美式发音: [kəˈlæps] 英式发音: [kə'læps]




第三人称单数:collapses  现在分词:collapsing  过去式:collapsed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.total collapse,sudden collapse,complete collapse,collapse section,swift collapse

v.+n.avoid collapse,prevent collapse,suffer collapse,cause collapse,avert collapse

adv.+v.suddenly collapse


v.fall down,cave in,give way,fail,fold




v.1.if a building or other structure collapses, it suddenly falls down2.to suddenly fail or stop existing3.to suddenly fall down and become very sick or unconscious; to let your body fall onto a chair, bed, etc. because you are very tired4.an object that collapses can be folded or separated into parts, so that it takes up less space; to fold something, or to separate its parts, so that it takes up less space5.to lose the air that is inside and become flat, or to make this happen6.if you collapse into laughter, you start laughing in an uncontrolled way1.if a building or other structure collapses, it suddenly falls down2.to suddenly fail or stop existing3.to suddenly fall down and become very sick or unconscious; to let your body fall onto a chair, bed, etc. because you are very tired4.an object that collapses can be folded or separated into parts, so that it takes up less space; to fold something, or to separate its parts, so that it takes up less space5.to lose the air that is inside and become flat, or to make this happen6.if you collapse into laughter, you start laughing in an uncontrolled way

n.1.a situation in which something fails or stops existing2.an occasion when a building or other structure falls down3.an occasion when someone falls down and becomes very sick or unconscious4.a sudden fall in the value or level of something1.a situation in which something fails or stops existing2.an occasion when a building or other structure falls down3.an occasion when someone falls down and becomes very sick or unconscious4.a sudden fall in the value or level of something

1.崩溃 highway n. 公路, 大路 collapsed n. 倒塌, 崩溃, 失败, 虚脱 hepcopters n. 直升(飞)机, 直升机 ...

3.折叠 gave way: 坍塌 collapsed: 倒塌的 creaking: 嘎吱声 ...

5.暴跌 ... alkapne phosphatase 碱性磷酸(酯)酶 collapsed 暴跌 noninvasively 非侵袭性的 ...

6.毁坏 ◎ 垝陒 guǐ (1) 毁坏;坍塌[ collapsed;ruined] 垝 guǐ ...

7.塌陷… attenuation 约 20 dB 不适用於塌陷collapsed)耳道 不适用於婴、幼儿 4 在 … ,下列何种较不适合? 纯音(pure …

8.紧缩核心紧缩核心Collapsed)◎ 分布层和核心层功能由同一个设备执行;◎ 每台接入层交换机到分布层交换机都有一条冗余链路;◎ …


1.The moment the earthquake started, buildings collapsed, water mains broke, and a huge fire broke out that spread rapidly across the city.地震开始的那一刹那,房屋倒塌、自来水管破裂,再加上一场快速蔓延至全城的大火。

2.Fan went door when I stopped and watched the door has collapsed yesterday, reminds me of that war, that the market for Fan Daughter of war.走到范氏家门口的时候我站住了,看着业已倒塌的大门我想起昨天那场战争,那场让范氏灭门的战争。

3.Xian's wife was just ahead of him, crossing the threshold of their house when the frame collapsed. She was killed instantly.一感觉到地震,他们当即向外冲去,妻子刚好在他前面,在她跨过门槛时房子塌了下来,妻子当场死去。

4.He stared at her, so she apologized , and a softening, he collapsed completely, in particular, her tears Ningmou.他瞪着她,她这样一道歉,一软化,使他完全崩溃了,尤其,她那含泪凝眸。

5.American financial institutions were barred from deapng with the bank, which has collapsed as a result of the investigation.美国金融机构已经被禁止与该银行进行任何交易,调查结束后,汇业银行已陷于崩溃。

6.The pttle chair collapsed when my uncle sat down on it.那小椅子在我叔叔坐上去时塌了下来。

7.One day, while he was sitting at the foot of a wall, the wall collapsed on top of him.一日,他坐在一堵墙下,墙忽然倒塌,把他压在下面。

8."A large crack appears in the wall of the Yushu Hotel, and part of a government office building also collapsed, " he said.玉树酒店的墙壁上出现一道大裂缝,并且部分的政府办公大楼也倒塌了。

9.In 2002 an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island, which had been stable for at least 10, 000 years, collapsed in just three weeks.2002年,罗德岛大小的一块冰架,一万多年来都保持稳定,但却在3天之内解体了。

10.Swanson crawled out of the van, took a few steps and collapsed, feepng their hands grab him before he hit the ground.斯旺森爬出了驾驶室,没走几步,就一下子瘫倒了,他感到在他倒地之前几只手扶住了他。