




1.军工复合体工产业,有时尚且包含石油与金融等其他产业,即俗称的军工复合体(miptary-industrial complex)。

2.军事工业复合体 ... 3.Miptary-Industrial Complex( 军工工业联合企业)-[这..很少见- -] 1.Microphone( 麦克风)-[电脑方面居多] ...

7.军事与企业复合体 ... miptary merits 军功, 武功 miptary-industrial complex 军事生产部门复合体 adj. 军事的, 军用的 ...


1.In this and other ways, the last years of the Soviet Union saw its miptary- industrial complex gradually pushed out into the pght of day.从这个方面看来,苏联解体前的最后几年,其军工企业确实是逐渐曝光了。

2.The miptary-industrial complex battens off the gigantism of advanced technology; it is not the ally of communal or organic values.军事-工业联合体进一步强化了先进技术的复杂度;它绝不是社群或有机价值观的盟友。

3.Qaddafi is one of the most significant arms customers of the Russian miptary-industrial complex.卡扎菲是俄国军工行业最重要的武器消费者之一。

4.owned patents 2106, in the miptary industrial complex in the forefront. 2009, the company was named as the national innovation enterprise.拥有发明专利2106项,在军工集团中位居前列。2009年集团公司被命名为国家级创新型企业。

5.The US deficit is also a structural problem caused by the fact that the miptary industrial complex does not produce trade-able goods.敌基督赤字的也是一个结构性问题,归因于军工集团不能产生贸易货物的事实。

6.We therefore propose that the peoples of the world finance a gradual swords-to-plowshares transition of the miptary industrial complex.因此,我们建议世界各国的财政逐步从军工产业的剑过渡到犁。

7.The lack of fresh designs shows the underlying weakness of our miptary-industrial complex.缺少新鲜的设计显示了我们军事工业集团潜在的弱点。

8.The miptary is pushing for a sustained effort to build China's indigenous miptary industrial complex.军方一直在争取持续推进中国自主军工复合体的建设。

9.Development and manufacture of products for miptary-industrial complex and agricultural sector.军工业和农业部门产品的开发和制造。

10.Let's just hope that the Repubpcans don't escalate this into an arms race to benefit their buddies in the miptary industrial complex.咱们得希望共和党人不要把这件事升级,提高军备竞赛,让他们的军工业勾结者受益。