

domino effect

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1.多米诺(骨牌)效应;连锁反应a situation in which one event causes a series of similar events to happen one after the other


n.1.a situation in which one event causes a whole series of other events to happen one after the other

1.骨牌效应3年的香港一样,物价长期下跌,造成了广泛的失业及破产。马田大师形容,货币的收缩有如骨牌效应(domino-effect)般对经 …

2.多米诺骨效应 ) Domino Effect 多米诺骨牌效应 ) domino-effect多米诺骨牌效应” ) multi-step Domino effect 多阶段性多米诺骨牌效应 ...


1.It had to do this because a general easing would not halt the domino effect whereby one firm's collapse caused a run on others.它之所以必须这样做,是因为一种总体的宽松无法中止多米诺骨牌效应(一家企业的倒闭导致其它企业纷纷倒闭)。

2.Analysts said safety fears and rising costs are creating the risk of a domino effect, in which companies pull out of the complex en masse.分析人士认为,安全担忧和不断上升的各种成本正在产生连锁反应的风险,导致大量韩国企业撤离开城。

3.He expects the mergers to trigger something of a domino effect.他认为,企业兼并将引发骨牌效应。

4.A game on the face of it doesn't seem to do a lot, but the key gameplay fixes and changes create a domino effect on the rest of the product.这是一个表面上不需要做很多改动的版本,但关键的修复和改进会产生多米诺效应。

5.There were no precedents for judging whether the biggest insurance company could be allowed to fail or whether a domino effect would follow.是否允许最大的保险公司破产,是否随后会出现多米诺效应,当局在做判断时并没有先例可依。

6.Perhaps the most damaging scenario would be the domino effect on a complex web of a multi-tiered supply chain.可能的最大伤害是造成骨牌效应,导致多层次的连锁供应链倒闭。

7.In both cases, there has been a domino effect as problems in one country spread to others.在这两种情况下,随着问题从一个国家传到其他国家,就出现了多米诺骨牌效应。

8.What you had was a domino effect of things. Debt was going up and the cost of servicing the debt was beyond what we felt was reasonable.有些事儿是存在“多米诺骨牌效应的”,债务日积月累的话,对我们的损害肯定会超过我们认为合理的范围!

9.Essentially, Olympic economy is creative economy. The influence can be summed up as "Koch curve affection" and "the domino effect" .而奥运经济本质是创意经济,其经济影响效果可概括为“科赫曲线效应”与“多米诺骨牌效应”。

10.Like a domino effect, country after country would be hit by revolt.如多米诺效应,一个接一个国家发生了起义。