




1.小须鲸【明报专讯】被韩国列为捕杀目标的小须鲸Minke whales)属於小型鲸鱼,背和体侧为灰黑色,腹部白色。小须鲸是须鲸类 …

2.鳁鲸另有3-5头体积更大的鳁鲸(minke whales)和座头鲸(humpback whales) 则是另一番表现,在水面不停游弋,潜入水中时甩起 …


1.Masayuki Komatsu, who once described Minke whales as "the cockroaches of the ocean, " said the Japanese were eating tuna into extinction.曾说小须鲸是“海洋中的蟑螂”的小松正行称日本国民已经快把金枪鱼吃到灭绝了。

2.We camped with a view of the sea and went to see humpback and minke whales spouting yards from the boat.我们在能看见海景的地方扎了营,去观赏了座头鲸和小须鲸,它们就在小船几码远的地方喷水。

3.Japan would be allowed to hunt 120 minke whales in its coastal waters as a sop to local sentiment in four ports.日本将会被允许在自己的海域内猎杀120条小须鲸,作为对四个港口当地人情感上的一些安慰。

4.This year, up to 1, 286 minke whales will die from exploding harpoon and rifle wounds.本年,有1286条小须鲸将会死于爆炸鱼叉和猎枪枪伤。

5.It repels even powerful minke whales.即使是强大的小须鲸也不行

6.Blue Whale is the biggest in Minke whales.蓝鲸是须鲸中最大的一种。

7.The quota would allow the kilpng of 150 fin whales and more than 100 minke whales each year for five seasons.此配额允许每年五季捕杀150头长须鲸和100多头小须鲸。

8.The fleet aims to cull almost 1, 000 mainly minke whales before it returns to port in the spring.该捕鲸船在春季返回港口前争取捕杀约1000头鲸,主要鲸类为小鳁鲸。

9.Japan also plans to kill 935 minke whales for what it calls scientific research.日本以进行科学研究为名,打算再捕杀935头小须鲸鱼。

10.The Nordic country caught less than half of its annual quota of 855 minke whales, already reduced from last year's quota of 1, 052.挪威现在捕杀鲸鱼的数量不到其855头年份度的一半,而这个年份额少于去年的1052头。