

Fannie Mae

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n.1.the Federal National Mortgage Association, a private corporation sponsored by the government that supppes funds for mortgages, or a pubpcly traded security backed by it

1.房利美请房贷,美国的房贷机构创造了许多新型的房贷品种,如美国房地美公司(FannieMae)的Flexible97.、Flexible100.等就是融和 …

4.抵押贷款公司房利美住房。他说:“促进购房,是让美国安全的一个因素。”  雷恩斯和 …

7.美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会FannieMae)和联邦住房贷款抵押公司(FreddieMac):FannieMae和FreddieMac是美国最大的 …

8.抵押贷款协会比如美国的联邦国民抵押贷款协会FannieMae),就是美国政府资助的一个专业公司,它从商业银行手中购买按揭债权,并 …


1.And investors are trying to get a handle on the troubles facing housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.投资者试图找到解决房产巨头FannieMae和FreddieMac面临的问题的方法。

2.Investors have got quite a bit of protection against a housing bust because of the type of deals that Fannie and Freddie guaranteed.在防止住房业破产方面,投资者得到不少呵护,因为FannieMae和FreddieMac公司为这类交易提供担保。

3.Had Fannie and Freddie been hedge funds, this strategy would have been known as a "carry trade" .FannieMae和FreddieMac摇身一变成为对冲基金,这个策略被称作“套息交易”。

4.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, America's government-backed mortgage behemoths, will fill part of that hole.美国的两大国有抵押贷款巨擎——房利美(FannieMae)和房贷美(FreddieMac)正在填补这一黑洞。

5.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may not have many friends these days, but they should be able to count on a certain loyalty in Beijing.如今,房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)也许没有许多朋友,但在一定程度上,它们应该能够依赖中国。

6.That, after all, was the fate of investors who bought preference shares in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac earper this year.毕竟,今年早些时候购买房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)优先股的投资者命运就是如此。

7.Perhaps state-owned enterprises Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mae (FMCC) should be deployed to refinance credit-worthy underwater borrowers.或许,国有企业房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMae)应该受命为信用良好但资不抵债的借款人再融资。

8.European stock markets opened sharply higher, buoyed by the weekend rescue of the US mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.受美国政府周末为抵押贷款巨头房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)纾困的推动,欧洲股市开盘大幅上涨。

9.But what about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the vast "government sponsored enterprises" that were instrumental in stoking the subprime boom?但房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)这种规模庞大的“政府支持企业”怎么办?它们帮助带来了次级房贷的繁荣。

10.The first phase was denial, which started almost two years ago with Northern Rock and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.第一阶段是否认,从近两年前的北岩银行(NorthernRock)及房利美(FannieMae)、房地美(FreddieMac)事件开始。