


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈英(=Ministry of Health)卫生部

英文单词:卫生部(Ministry of Health);荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor);卫生部门


abbr.1.〈英〉(=Ministry of Health)卫生部2.(=medical officer of health)保健检查官

abbr.1.<BrE>(=Ministry of Health)2.(=medical officer of health)

1.卫生部(Ministry of Health)阿联酋卫生部MOH)护士证考试:跟其他大多数的阿拉伯国家一样,阿联酋卫生部(MOH)设有专门的招聘部门,每年到海 …

2.荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor)当然是荣誉勋章MOH)因为MOH的游戏是用目前最新的技术做的,画面逼真。我亲自玩过。

3.卫生部门疑似病例由诊断医生报告给地区公共卫生部门(DPHD), 由这里在每周向国家卫生部门MoH)报告。疑似 CRS 病例根据 W…

4.在线连接在线连接mOH):未知 快速上传(PCm): 未知 数据传输标准: 未知 输入频率: 未知 输入/输出阻抗: 未知 输出频率: 未知 适用 …


1.Why MOH does not cancel the mandatory HBV test no matter how much scientific evidence proved it?为什么卫生部在无论多少科学依据的证明下,仍然不取消强制性的乙肝检测?

2.Following the detection of this case, the MoH has decided to vaccinate the entire population of the Mandiana prefecture.发现这一病例后,卫生部决定对Mandiana专区的全部人口进行疫苗接种。

3.A joint MoH, WHO and CDC team was deployed to the district on 13 May to carry out a detailed epidemiological investigation.5月13日,乌干达卫生部、世卫组织和美国疾控中心向Luwero区部署了一个联合小组开展详细的流行病学调查。

4.The MOH reviews the application and if approved, will issue the approval license (locally known as a visa).卫生部审查申请,如果获得批准,将发行的审批许可(在当地被称为签证)。

5.No representative agency whose business is under the charge of the MOH may conduct activities in the name of the MOH without approval.卫生部业务主管的代表机构未经批准,不得以卫生部的名义开展活动。

6.The MoH organized a catch-up vaccination campaign in an area of 15 kms around the affected village to prevent the occurrence of cases.卫生部在受感染村庄周围15公里地区组织了一次补充预防接种运动以防止病例的发生。

7.The MoH has requested WHO to coordinate international assistance to support the MoH in its outbreak response and containment activities.乌干达卫生部要求世卫组织协调国际援助支持它开展疫情应对和控制活动。

8.The MoH and MoA have requested the support of a joint WHO, FAO, OIE mission to support outbreak response efforts.卫生部和农业部已经请求派遣由世卫组织、粮农组织、国际兽疫局联合组成的工作组,对疫情应对工作提供支持。

9.With approval from the MOH, unregistered pharmaceuticals can also be introduced at a conference.由卫生部批准,未注册的药品,也可以在一个投资会议。

10.The WHO Country Office, Regional Office and Headquarters supported the MoH in Kinshasa and in the field at the location of the outbreak.世卫组织国家办事处、区域办事处和总部协助该国卫生部在金沙萨以及疫情发生地开展工作。