


美式发音: [ef] 英式发音: [ef]


n.英语字母表的第 6 个字母




F显示所有例句n.— see alsoF-word

1.英语字母表的第 6 个字母the 6th letter of the English alphabet

‘Fox’ begins with (an) F/‘F’.fox 一词以字母 f 开头。

2.F 音(C 大调的第 4 音或音符)the fourth note in the scale of C major

3.(学业成绩)第六等,不及格the 6th highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is very bad and the student has failed

He got (an) F/‘F’ in/for Chemistry.他的化学成绩不及格。



Water freezes at 32˚F.水在 32 华氏度结冰。

2.会员Fellow of

FRCM(= Fellow of the Royal College of Music)皇家音乐学院研究员


abbr.1.F,F/f, f/,f., f: etc. 见 f-number 条2.【化】(=fluorine)3.【生,植】(=(generation of) filial offspring)子代;【动】世代4.英语字母表第六字母5.第六6.【乐】F 音,F 调7.F 字形8.〈美,外〉(学业成绩)劣,不及格 (failure) 的符号9.【摄】光圈数 (f-number) 的符号1.F,F/f, f/,f., f: etc. 见 f-number 条2.【化】(=fluorine)3.【生,植】(=(generation of) filial offspring)子代;【动】世代4.英语字母表第六字母5.第六6.【乐】F 音,F 调7.F 字形8.〈美,外〉(学业成绩)劣,不及格 (failure) 的符号9.【摄】光圈数 (f-number) 的符号

n.1.the sixth letter of the English alphabet. F is a consonant.2.the fourth note in the musical scale of C major3.a grade that a teacher gives to a students work to show that they have failed a test or a piece of work

abbr.1.[Chemistry](=fluorine)2.[Biology,Plant](=(generation of) filial offspring)

1.法拉 电阻, 阻抗, 电抗 = V/A 法拉 F 电荷, 带电量 = A·s ...

2.华氏度 (in Hg) 英寸汞 速度 (F) 华氏度 密度 (lb/in3) 磅/立方英 寸 ...

3.华氏温度 (“摄氏温度 = % f, (“华氏温度 = % f, (“华氏温度 = % f, ...

4.华氏温标 摄氏温标[ °C] 华氏温标[ °F] 开氏温标[ K] ...

5.劣 Word algorithm system 回文算法系统 B1F1、B2F1 世代,自交加代形成 ...

造句带翻译释义:,华氏度,会员,法拉,英语字母表的第 6 个字母,华氏温度,华氏温标,

1.Picasso's masterpiece was the heart of a collection consigned by the heirs of Mrs Sidney F. Brody.毕加索的这副名画是辛迪F·布罗迪夫人的继承人们委托给克里斯蒂拍卖行的收藏品中最珍贵的一件。

2.Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would like the option of buying America's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet.澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。

3.The computer lab was one of the best places to hang out on 100-degree F. afternoons in Austin, Texas.在德克萨斯州奥斯丁炎热的午后,只有这里的计算机实验室可以完好的将温度保持在100华氏度上下。

4.F. D Saussure's arbitrariness of linguistic sign is of great significance and of controversies as well in the history of linguistics.索绪尔提出的语言符号的任意性原则在语言学史中占有非常重要的地位,但同时也存在着争议。

5.When the resulting function is called with argument x, it first looks to see if it has already computed f(x).如果调用结果函数时带有参数x,它首先检查是否已经计算过f(x)。

6.A woman dries her eyes as she views the flag-draped casket of Senator Edward Kennedy at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston.在波士顿约翰肯尼迪图书馆一位女士最后凝视了参议员爱德华肯尼迪覆盖着国旗的灵柩后擦干了眼泪。

7.F. It is important to get the children to help make the family rules whenever it is possible.重要的是让孩子们帮助家庭的规则,每当它是可能的。

8.With the FTP Scripting solution, Company A can directly pull files from his account, on the Company F's FTP server.通过FTP脚本方案,A公司可以直接把文件从F公司的FTP服务器上的自己的帐户中拉出来。

9.Specifically, Gates said he would suggest Japan buy F-35s, developed by an international consortium led by Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT).盖茨特别说到,他将建议让日本购买洛克西德马丁公司(LockheedMartinCorp)牵头的国际财团开发的F-35战机。

10.The other airlines did not respond to CNN's enquiries but clearly a fiasco at JKF airport and then investigation is going to follow.其他航空公司没有回应CNN的询问,但是很明显约翰F。肯尼迪机场局面混乱,接下来还会有跟踪调查。