




1.移动技术 ... 课程名称:网络与信息安全 Network and Infourmation Security 课程名称:移动计算技术 Mobile Technolo

5.行动科技 ... 司法心理学硕士 forensic psychology 移动电子科技学硕士 mobile technology 艺术学硕士 Fine_Arts ...

7.流动科技 ... 13. 第二代网站 WEB 2.0 14. 行动科技应用 Mobile Technology 15. 资讯专案管理 IT Project Management ...


1.Readers, do you think the concept of rudeness has changed (or not) with mobile technology?读者们,你认为无礼的定义是否随着手机科技的发展而产生的变化?

2.If you and your staff are sitting at desks all day, you may not need mobile technology.如果你和你的员工整天都坐在办公桌后面,你们大概就不需要移动通讯技术。

3.Lee has his eyes on mobile-technology, cloud computing and Internet start-ups, he said.李说他在移动技术,云计算,和互联网的项目上非常看好。

4.The potential for mobile technology to help manage health care is huge, she said.移动设备帮助处理卫生保健的潜能更大,她说。

5.Shuai, an aviation management major, is not the only one feepng segregated from others by mobile technology.就读于航空管理专业的帅云云并非唯一一个因手机科技,而与他人间产生疏离感的人。

6.Contemporary IT is increasingly a function of mobile technology, pervasive or ubiquitous computing, and of course, cloud computing.当代的IT不断向移动技术、普遍存在的计算和云计算发展。

7.You may be an expert in what you sell, but you probably aren't an expert in network security, data backup or mobile technology.你或许对所经销的产品了如指掌,但你多半不擅长网络安全、数据备份或手机等新技术。

8.In the 1990s Europe appeared to have beaten even Sipcon Valley in mobile technology.早在上世纪九十年代,欧洲的移动电话行业甚至打败了硅谷。

9.Tuesday's deal with Apple harks back to a lost era when Nokia was still the leading pioneer of mobile technology.周二与苹果公司的官司使得诺基亚又重新回到失去的时代——诺基亚仍然是移动技术的先驱。

10.A mobile technology company is looking for a simple, striking website to show off their innovative mobile apppcations.一个移动技术公司正在寻找一种简单,醒目的网站来展示他们的创新移动应用。