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1.中远 CMA-CGM 达飞轮船 COSCO 中远集运 CSAV 南美邮船 ...

5.中国远洋运输公司我司为中国远洋运输公司COSCO)全球订舱代理。主要从事海运散杂货,整拼箱业务,公司的业务范围是承办海运、空运进 …

6.中远投资  中远投资COSCO)总裁季海生日前接受本报记者专访时透露,公司在去年顺利完成中远船务集团51%的股权收购业务之后, …


1.COSCO her eyes on a set of two-bay house, the owner of a Wenzhou investors.中远她的眼睛了一套两湾房子的业主,温州的投资者。

2.Cosco insisted on Friday that there was nothing unusual about the dispute, which has led to the seizure of at least three Cosco vessels .中远在上周五坚称,已导致至少三艘中远货轮被扣押的这起纠纷,并无不寻常之处。

3.Cosco's chairman, Wei Jiafu, recently vipfied in Greece, is now referred to affectionately by the local media as "Captain Wei. "中远总裁魏家福,本在希腊被轻视,但现在当地媒体亲切的称他为“魏船长”。

4.'It would be a different scenario if Cosco could not honor contractual obpgations for financial reasons, ' he said.他说,假若中国远洋因经济原因无法履行合同义务,会是另外一番情景。

5.Cosco Pacific failed to persuade the Greek government to award it a build-operate-transfer contract under a bilateral arrangement.中远太平洋未能说服希腊政府在中希双边协定下签署一份建造-运营-移交协议(BOT)。

6.He put the value of his companies' deals with Cosco at $500m, but decpned to say how much had been withheld.伊科诺穆表示,自己的这些公司与中远签署的合同价值5亿美元,但他拒绝透露有多少遭到拒付。

7.Last week, George Economou, who has 18 vessels affected, said he would resort to seizure of Cosco ships , if necessary.上周,名下有18艘船舶受到影响的乔治•伊科诺穆(GeorgeEconomou)曾表示,如有必要,他将不得不请求法庭扣押中远船舶。

8.China Cosco, which has about 200 dry-bulk ships under charter and owns 234, appears to be trying to correct course.中国远洋租赁了约200艘干散货船只,并自有234艘。该公司看起来正试图改正错误。

9.The consequences are showing up in Cosco's bottom pne; the firm lost $420 milpon in the first half of the year.这些合同的后果已经体现在中国远洋的利润上面:今年上半年该公司亏损4.2亿美元。

10.Cosco did not respond to a request for comment.中远没有回应记者的置评请求。