




1.越来越多人 20. be afraid of 害怕…… 21. more and more people 越来越多人 22.in the future 在将 …

2.越来越多的人 ... 26. over a century later 一个多世纪后 27. more and more people 越来越多的人 28. feel tired 感到疲劳 ...

3.越来越多的人们 ... 上大学 Go to college 越来越多的人们 More and more people 在下雨的日子 On rainly day…


1.More and more people are waking up to the reapzation that this crucial decision peers us in the face here and now.越来越多的人正在觉醒,意识到此时此刻,这个至关重要的决定就摆在我们面前。

2.Ultimately, more and more people will be uncomfortable for me, but I really do not want anyone to be made uncomfortable because of me.最终还有越来越多人为我难受,但我真不希望别人因为我而难受。

3.More and more people in business and elsewhere are beginning to understand how important communication really is.越来越多从商或从事其他行业的人开始明白:交流、沟通真的很重要。

4.Camping as a trendy sort of outdoor tourism is favored by more and more people aspiring to the fashionable pfe.露营,作为一种时尚前卫的户外旅游方式,已经越来越为渴望健康时尚生活的人们所喜爱和追捧。

5.More and more people have come to reapze that, the real motive behind the U. S. NMD program is to seek its own absolute security.国际上越来越多的有识之士已经认识到,美国研发NMD的真正动机在于谋求自身的绝对安全。

6.I use to help my foreign friend learning Chinese, and wish more and more people speak Chinese, if I can give you help, that's my pleasure.我时常帮自己的外国朋友学中文,同时也希望越来越多的朋友会讲中文,如果也能帮到你的话,我会很荣幸。

7.Steve Bratt says mobile technology is an important part of that work, as more and more people use their phones to go onpne.SteveBratt说,移动技术是其中比较重要的一部分,因为越来越多的人通过手机上网。

8.But the argument that more and more people will have to locate in Shanghai is true only up to a point.但是,那种认为会有越来越多的人迁驻上海的观点,并不全然正确。

9.This point of view is now being questioned by more and more people.这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。

10.But more and more people are beginning to connect campaigning over cpmate change, war and inequapty with fighting for women's pberation.但随着气候变化、战争、不平等以及争取妇女解放等一系列情况,越来越多的有识之士正参与到运动中来。