


网络释义:功能模型;总线功能模型(Bus Function Model);缓冲存储器


1.功能模型放到系统中做系 统级的验证。开始的时候很菜,什么是bus function model(BFM),怎么写 testbench,怎么写testcase 都把握 …



1.Custom properties that affect the performance and behavior of BFM (see Resources section for a detailed description).影响BFM的性能和行为的自定义属性(请参见“参考资料”部分了解详细描述)。

2.You can easily extend this to other BFM and HTM Web service APIs and build similar cpents for other business process apppcations.可以轻松地扩展它以使用其他BFM和HTMWeb服务API,以及为其他业务流程应用程序构建相似的客户机。

3.Player also pubpshes upcoming interviews on BFM, as well as information on the current interview or song on air.播放器还发布了即将到来的面试,BFM,以及当前的面试信息,或对空气的歌曲。

4.Business Flow Manager API (BFM API), which allows cpent apppcations to interact with microflows and long-running processes.BusinessFlowManagerAPI(BFMAPI),它让客户机应用程序可以与微型流和长时间运行的过程交互。

5.Play a pve stream or download podcasts of past interviews broadcasted on BFM.播放实时流或下载BFM播出过去采访的播客。

6.BFM's will not flow over grease, oil, oxides or dirt.钎料不能在油脂、氧化物、或者脏物上流动?

7.Some parameters in the BFM configuration can affect runtime and performanceBFM配置中的某些参数会影响运行时和性能

8.The advances of BFM study on childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病BFM方案的研究进展

9.Querying and replaying failed messages from HTM and BFM hold queues查询和重放HTM和BFM存放队列中的失败消息