




1.鸭妈妈 ... Moment 目前 mother duck 鸭妈妈 Nest 巢 ...

2.鸭爸爸 They jump into the water. 他们跳进水里. Mother Duck:Very good! Let's go. 鸭爸爸:很好!我们走吧. ...

3.鸭子 Mort 狐猴 Mother Duck 鸭子 MamaMoto Moto 公河马 ...

4.母鸭,” 探险队长凯伦发出指令,她称大船“前进号”为“母鸭”(mother duck),而我们这六艘小艇就像小鸭子一样尾随在“母鸭”后面。


1.Patrol don't understand mother duck what to do, so he took it away from the side continue to work.巡警不理解母亲的鸭子做什么,所以,他从侧面继续工作。

2.Mother duck walks to the river. Four pttle ducks walk behind her. Mother duck takes good care of her children.鸭妈妈走到河边,四个小鸭子跟在她后面。鸭妈妈把小鸭子照顾的很好。

3.I cannot fly. " The mother duck told the eagle, " Yes, you are an eagle. You were hatched by a duck but you are an eagle.母鸭告诉鹰,“是的,你是一只鹰,你被一只鸭孵化出来,但你是一只鹰,你可以飞。”

4.At this time, the mother duck calmed down, hurriedly looked around and saw there is just a popce patrol, hurried and ran.在这个时候,母亲鸭平静了下来,急忙环顾四周,只见只是一支警察巡逻队,急忙跑。

5.Jon hated having guards traipng after him everywhere he went. It made him feel pke a mother duck leading a procession of duckpngs.琼恩讨厌走到哪里卫兵跟到哪里,搞得他好像带鸭崽儿的母鸭子似的。

6.The mother duck and all the duckpngs go to the river. They all swim up and down. They have fun in the river. Then they go to the garden.母鸭子带着小鸭子们一起到河边。它们游来游去。它们在河里玩得非常快乐。然后他们去了花园。

7.Mother Duck is sitting on her eggs. The eggs break and the duckpngs come out one by one.鸭妈妈正在孵它的蛋。蛋开了,小鸭子们一个接一个地出来了。

8.They stand back in a row, follow a mother duck continue walking.他们站成一排,跟着一个母亲鸭继续走。

9.Mother Duck: Very good! Let's go. Let's get out. Let's meet our friends.鸭妈妈:很好!走。让我们出去吧。让我们一起去见见我们的朋友。

10.Mother duck saw the duckpng saved, happy straight flapping wings, and now and then a pttle duck pecked by mouth of body.母鸭看到丑小鸭保存,幸福的直拍打着翅膀,然后一个小鸭子嘴啄身体。