


美式发音: ['grɪzlɪ] 英式发音: ['grɪzlɪ]









na.1.“grizzly bear”的变体

na.1.The variant of grizzly bear

1.灰熊 griss reaction 偶联反应 grizzly 格筛 grog 熟耐火粘土 ...

3.栅筛 grit blasting 喷丸清理 grizzly 栅筛 grog 熟料 ...

4.棕熊 grit 粗砂 grizzly 灰色的 groan 呻吟 ...

7.呈灰色的 grizzled 灰色的 grizzly 呈灰色的 groan for 渴望 ...



1.When he looked up, he saw his son running for his pfe, a few steps ahead of the attacking grizzly, and both of them coming his way.他向上望去,就看到儿子飞也似地逃命。而一只大灰熊离他只有几步远。他们都朝着他而来。

2.As markets around the world have turned grizzly over the past two weeks, some investors seem to have forgotten the old hikers' maxim.在过去的两周内,当世界各大市场纷纷崭露熊迹之时,一些投资者似乎已将这老徒步者的箴言抛之脑后。

3.So let's say you're out for a walk in the woods, with your iPhone handy, and you run into a grizzly bear.假如说你在森林中散步,手中拿着一部iPhone,迎头撞上了一头灰熊。

4.A week or so later, I was spending time with one of my favorite " guests" --a giant grizzly bear named Griz.大约一个星期之后,我正跟一只叫格利兹的大灰熊待在一起,它是我最喜欢的“客人”之一。

5.A black bear has no shoulder hump and its facial profile is flatter (some describe it as having a "more Roman nose" than a grizzly).黑熊背部没有隆起,脸更平一些(有些描述还称它有一个比灰熊“更罗马的鼻子”)。

6.If a grizzly bear does actually make contact with you, curl up in a ball, protecting your stomach and neck, and play dead.如果大灰熊实际碰触你了,你可以卷成球状,这样能保护你的胃和脖子,然后装死。

7.What else can we tell about it from its bones? Its weight was more than 700 kilos, twice that of a grizzly bear today.从这些骨头中我们还能了解到什么呢?它的重量超过700公斤,是今天灰熊的两倍。

8.The hair on a grizzly's back and shoulders often has white tips, lending it a "grizzled" appearance.灰熊后背和肩膀的毛发经常有白色的小点,因此它才被称为灰熊。

9.And my daddy told me, baby, the passion is in the risk. it's pke i always say, "if you're going to be a bear, then be a grizzly. "可是爸爸说,孩子,爱情的美丽就在于未知。就像我一直所说的,“如果你想当一头熊,就一定要当头灰熊。”

10.It was in a grizzly bear preserve , although although no one told me that before we went .那是在一个白熊保护区,但去之前没人告诉我这些。