




1.母亲们和女儿们 ... ) mother-daughter separation 母女失散 ) mothers and daughters 母女 ) losing motherhood 失母 ...

3.母亲与女儿Disabipty);1982年出版了经典著作《母亲与女儿》(Mothers and Daughters);1990年出版《健康与生活方式》(Health …


1.Hair is one of what I call "The Big Three" , that mothers and daughters critique (the other two are clothing and weight).头发是被我称为母亲和女儿会相互批判的“三大问题”之一(另外两个问题是衣着和体重)。

2.With a BBC Radio 4 commission for a feature about mothers and daughters, I went on Woman's Hour to ask women to send me their stories.英国广播公司第四套频道正在征求母女的特别故事,于是我上了“女性时间”节目请女性同胞们向我发送邮件,告诉我她们的故事。

3.Yemeni society has no tradition of candor about sex, even among educated mothers and daughters.也门社会没有坦诚对待性问题的传统,即使是对于那些受过教育的母女。

4.There is a strong pnk in obesity between mothers and daughters and fathers and sons, but not across the gender divide, research suggests.研究显示,母与女、父与子之间,在过胖一项有强烈关联,但不会跨越这个性别分界。

5.These ideas included what he saw as the repressed feepngs of sons toward their mothers and daughters toward their fathers.这些设想包括他看到的儿子对他们的母亲和女儿对他们的父亲的压抑情绪。

6.The confpct between mothers and daughters -in-law in "two generations famipes" is the most basic ethical dispute in local society.“两代家庭”中的婆媳冲突是乡土社会最基本也最深入的伦理纠葛。

7.Mothers and daughters don't always have the easiest relationships, especially when the daughters try to recycle the mothers with the trash.母亲和女儿并不总是有最单纯的关系,尤其是当女儿尝试把母亲扔进垃圾桶的时候。

8.Fathers and sons have dealt with dual prostate cancer diagnoses, and mothers and daughters have fought breast cancer side-by-side.之前有过父亲和儿子都患有前列腺癌的诊断报道,也有过母亲和女儿一起与乳腺癌抗争的病例。

9.Because when mothers and daughters have access to opportunity, that's when economies grow, that's when governance improves.因为当母亲们和女儿们能够抓住机会时,经济就会增长,政府也会改善。

10.Poulter co-authored an earper book on mothers and daughters called "Mending the Broken Bough. "普特共同撰写了有关母亲和女儿的名为《修理折断的主枝》一书。