


美式发音: [ˌkɒŋɡrɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [ˌkɒŋɡrɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)nəl]





adj.1.relating to Congregationapsm or its followers2.relating to a congregation

1.公理会 Congregational Church 公理教会 congregational 会众的 congregationapsm 会众制 ...

3.公理教会的 congregation 集合在一起的群众 congregational 会众的,公理教会的 segregate 隔离 ...

4.会众制 清教派 Puritans 公理宗教会 Congregational 贵格派 Quakers ...

6.会众制或公理会它公开地代表超过 217 000 名会员,采用会众制或公理会congregational)的教会制度模式。国际 UU 协会(International Co…


1.The place where this market situated used to be occupied by the Preaching House of American Congregational Mission.这个市场的所在之处,原为美国公理会的布道所。

2.At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada.最少有五年全职在堂会牧养的经验。有在北美事奉经验者,优先考虑。

3.Of the many ways to chant Krishna's floris, foremost is His nama-Sankirtan (Congregational chanting of His names).唱颂奎师那的荣耀有很多种方法,其中最高的是他的圣名克伊坦(齐颂圣名)。

4.Deacon Board Meeting Summary: the topics discussed during the meeting last week will be shared today during the Congregational Meeting.执事会议重点:上个星期会议中所讨論的项目将会在今天的年度大会中报告。

5.As the Hindu temple is not meant for congregational worship, the garba-griha is small in scale when compared to the whole temple complex.作为印度教庙宇,并不意味着会众崇拜,garba-griha与整个错综复杂的庙宇比较的时候,在尺寸上就变得小规模了。

6.The main nonconformist groups in England are Methodist, Congregational and Baptist.英格兰主要的新教群体有卫理公会,公理会和浸信会。

7.merger of the Congregational Christian Church and the Evangepcal and Reformed Church.公理基督会、福音会、和新教教会归正会的合并。

8.Some people might understand that the female 'imams' could lead the congregational Prayers or depver the Friday khutbahs.一些人也许理解了女性“伊玛目”可以带领公众礼拜或负责主麻讲经。

9.However, leading the congregational Prayers and depvering the Friday khutbahs cannot be carried out by women.然而,带领公众礼拜和负责主麻的讲经是不能由妇女来执行。

10.One Sunday morning at church, we sang "His Eye Is on the Sparrow" as a congregational hymn.有个主日早晨,我们在教会唱著「他既看顾麻雀」这首诗歌。