




1.圣海伦斯火山  这座火山爆发的程度会是1980年华盛顿州圣海伦斯火山Mount St Helens)爆发威力的1000倍。圣海伦火山爆发时造成57人 …

2.圣海伦火山看起来已经没有在圣海伦火山Mount St Helens)的拍摄镜头了。很可惜没有枯木的镜头了。


1.Mount St. Helens is only one of many volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest.圣海伦火山只是太平洋西北部众多火山中的一座。

2.The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 was the direct result of plate subduction.圣海伦火山在1980年的喷发是板块沉降的直接结果。

3.This was said to be the cause of the Mount St Helens eruption.据说这就是海伦火山爆发的原因。

4.Mount St. Helens spews smoke and ash skyward as the volcano erupts once more on October 17th, 1980.圣海伦火山喷出烟雾和火山灰,火山爆发的天空再一次10月17日,1980年。

5.by Mount St. Helens amounted to a quarter of a cubic mile.圣海伦火山喷出的粉尘多达四分之一立方英里。

6.Mount St. Helens, flanked by Mount Adams (far left) and Mount Hood, is settpng fitfully back into the volcanic landscape.圣海伦斯山位于亚当山(远处左侧)及胡德山一侧,被巧妙地安插在这块火山之岛上。

7.Like rapidly rising bread dough, the north slope of Mount St. Helens grew and grew, sometimes by ten feet a day.就像膨胀的面包团,圣海伦火山的北侧越长越大,有时候一天可以增长10英尺。

8.A wisp of smoke escapes from Mount St. Helens' dramatic eggshell-shaped crater after an eruption.一小股烟从爆发后的圣海伦斯火山蛋壳型的火山口倾泻而出。

9.The volcano, named Toba, may have ejected 1000 times more rock and other material than Mount St. Helens in Washington state did in 1980.该火山名叫“多巴”,所喷出的岩石和其他物质可能比1980年华盛顿州圣海伦斯火山所喷出的物质量多出1000倍。

10.A hepcopter rests near measuring instruments on Harrys Ridge on September 30, 1980, five miles north of Mount St. Helens' crater.一架直升机在附近在于测量仪器哈里斯里奇9月30日,1980年,五英里以北的圣海伦斯山的火山口。