




1.约翰威尔克斯受民事诉讼。这一权利看上去理所当然,却并不是轻易获得的,1763年下议院议员和记者威尔斯John Wilkes)曾为了维护 …

5.政治宣传家威尔斯英国群众运动领袖、政治宣传家威尔斯(John Wilkes),一生致力于维护公众自由和出版自由的抗争活动,曾当选伦敦市长。 优 …

6.丶政治宣传家威尔斯英国群众运动领袖丶政治宣传家威尔斯(John Wilkes),一生致力於维护公众自由和出版自由的抗争活动,曾当选伦敦市长。 塔 …


1.Many in the theater recognized him. He was an actor: John Wilkes Booth.剧院中许多人都认识他,他是一位演员,他叫约翰.威尔克斯.布斯(JohnWilkesBooth)。

2.Scarlett's eyes searched the crowd for Ashley, even while she made pleasant small talk with John Wilkes, but he was not on the porch.思佳丽的眼睛在人群中搜寻阿希礼,甚至当她跟约翰·韦尔克斯愉快聊天的时候也不停止;但阿希礼不在门廊里。

3.Old Slattery, who clung persistently to his few acres, in spite of repeated offers from Gerald and John Wilkes, was shiftless and whining.老斯兰特瑞,紧紧守着几亩薄田,置杰拉尔德和约翰·威尔克斯三番五次的提出买地于不顾,没有谋生能力而又爱抱怨。

4.But this story begins with the most famous assassination in history. Abraham Lincoln's killer John Wilkes Booth kept a diary.但是这个故事开始于历史上最著名的刺杀事件——杀害亚伯拉罕•林肯的杀手约翰•沃克斯•布斯被保留的日记。

5.Did the President's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, act alone or was he a pawn of higher-ups?刺杀总统的刺客约翰·威克斯·布思,是单枪匹马行事,或者,他是更高层人士的一个走卒?

6.Was the man shot at Garrett's farm and identified as John Wilkes Booth actually Booth or a substitute?在加勒特农场被击毙,而且被辨认为约翰·威克斯·布思的那个人,真是布思其人?或者只是一个替身?

7.I had it in strictest confidence from John Wilkes this afternoon. . .今天下午,约翰威尔克斯非常肯定地告诉过我…

8.John Wilkes was for almost giving them away, but never will I have it said that Gerald O'Hara used friendship in a trade.约翰·威尔克斯几乎想把她们送掉,可我决不让人家说杰拉尔德·奥哈拉在买卖中凭友情占了便宜。

9.Abraham Lincoln's killer John Wilkes Booth kept a diary, a diary that was found the night Booth was killed with 18 pages missing.凶手约翰•维尔克斯•布斯生前写有一本日记,布斯被杀害的当晚这本日记被发现,那时18页已缺失。

10.John Wilkes. It's a grand day you'll be having for the barbecue.噢,约翰•威尔克斯,今天的天气搞烧烤真是太好了。