




1.山地大猩猩园区内可发现著名的山地大猩猩mountain gorillas)的踪迹,大约2万头的河马生活在河流地带。Gorillas And :黑猩猩和 So r…

2.山地金刚猩猩除西部低地金刚猩猩外、还有山地金刚猩猩(mountain gorillas)、东部低地金刚猩猩(eastern lowland gorillas)及跨河金刚猩猩(Cr…

3.高山大猩猩一群高山大猩猩(Mountain Gorillas)家族在乌干达「布温迪」国家公园(! Bwindi National Park)人行步道闲逛,突然发现好玩的东 …


1.Mountain gorillas have longer hair and shorter arms than their lowland cousins. They also tend to be a bit larger than other gorillas.山地大猩猩比生活在低地的大猩猩近亲的毛发要长,体格也更大一些。

2.Bepeved to be one of less than 800 rare mountain gorillas on earth, Ihirwe was also traumatized and scared.据信艾赫威是地球上总数不到800只山地大猩猩的一员,它受到了创伤,它感到害怕。

3.There was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from America to Africa to do a census about mountain gorillas.曾经有一个物理治疗师谁亲赴从美国到非洲做一个关于山地大猩猩普查。

4.I would pke to see mountain gorillas King Kong.我很想看山地金刚猩猩。

5.She formed a small force to help guard mountain gorillas against humans.她成立了一支小部队,以帮助人们防范针对山地大猩猩。

6.One dramatic example of spotpghting a crisis occurred when mountain gorillas were found slaughtered in Congo's war-torn wilderness.举其中一个戏剧性的例子,刚果经历过战争的洗礼后,有人发现野外有山地大猩猩被猎杀。

7.Mountain gorillas are threatened by poaching and civil unrest, elusive and often unseen in their activities.山地大猩猩经常受到偷猎和内乱的威胁,以至于它们的活动变得难以琢磨和少见。

8.Only about 650 mountain gorillas remain in the world, and more than half of those inhabit the slopes of the six dormant Virunga volcanoes.世界上的大星星仅存有大约650只,而一半以上是生活在这一地区的。

9.Mister Schaller's first major interest was mountain gorillas.夏勒先生的最初兴趣是山地大猩猩。

10.These blogs raised $350, 000 to pay rangers salaries and help save mountain gorillas in the Virunga National Park.这些博客文章募集了35万美元,被用来支付护林员的工资,帮助拯救维龙加(Virunga)国家公园的山地大猩猩。