




1.康先生 潘皇升( Phua Chor Yong) 康先生Mr Kang) 黄定贤( Winston Huang) ...


1.After the failure of the Hundred Days Reform then traveled in Europe, Mr. Kang was found in Italy was too poor to chink.当年戊戌变法失败后游历了欧洲的康有为先生,发现当时的意大利穷得叮当响。

2.Mr. Kang was very puzzled: This poor countries, it has also, and Eight-charge with the big guys!康有为先生当时很纳闷:这样的穷国,居然也和八国联军一起充大个儿!

3.Mr. Kang Youwei's former residence is a state-level unit for repc protection.康有为故居是国家级文物保护单位。

4.Mr. Kang: Okay. I can understand. So I should disregard the proforma invoice you faxed earper?好的,我理解。那我就不用管你之前传真给我的形式发票了?

5.Mr. Kang: Okay. So when will I get the new price quotation?好的,我什么时候可以收到新的报价单。

6.While Mr. Kang's Day " on the self" and " send a friend book" also have the different approaches but equally satisfactory results.而康节先生的《岁暮自贻》和《寄友人书》也同样有异曲同工之妙。

7.Mr. Kang Li and Mr. Zhonghua Yang.李康先生和杨中华先生。

8.Oh, I am sorry. This is Mr. Kang Huang from Beijing. I've written to Mr. Ford several times.哦,对不起。我是来自北京的黄康,我写信给福特先生好几次了。