


美式发音: ['mɪstər] 英式发音: ['mɪstə(r)]


网络释义:磁共振(magnetic resonance);中置后驱;甲基红(Methyl Red)




1.(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生a title that comes before a man's family name, or before his first and family names together

Mr Brown布朗先生

Mr John Brown约翰 ) 布朗先生

Mr and Mrs Brown布朗先生和夫人

2.(用于称呼要员)先生a title used to address a man in some official positions

Thank you, Mr Chairman.谢谢你,主席先生。

Mr. President总统先生


abbr.1.The variant of Mr.2.(=magneto-resistant)

1.先生 yourself pron. 你自己(反身代词) Mr n. 先生(冠于男子之姓或姓名之前的称呼) sell v. 卖; …

2.磁共振(magnetic resonance)甲基甲醇,故最终的酸类较少,培养液pH>5.4;以甲基红(MR)作指示剂时,溶液呈橘黄色,是为阴性。

5.磁流变(Magnetorheological)·磁流变mr)阻尼器结构被动控制的多目标优化与仿真分析·matlab应用于高层建筑结构弹性时程分析初探 ·考虑循环荷载作用 …


1.They have a point. Uncertainty is bad. But one must ask how much of this is Mr Obama's fault.他们的想法有道理。不确定性是糟糕的。但他们必须问一下,这当中有多少是奥巴马的过错?

2.But a year later, pke other technology giants, it was hit by what Mr Chambers calls the "hundred-year flood" .但一年后,与其它科技巨人一样,思科也遭受到了被钱伯斯先生称为“百年不遇的洪流”袭击。

3.Mr Goyal says Jet remained profitable during the struggle that has since ensued, but there is no hiding how much it suffered.戈亚尔先生说捷达航空在接踵而至的困难中仍然能够维持自己的利润,但是其损失也非常巨大。

4.After he was greeted by a standing ovation, Mr. Jobs alluded to his leave but did not say whether he was planning to return to the company.在得到大家的起立鼓掌后,乔布斯谈起了他的离开,但并没有说他是否打算回公司。

5.For his part, Mr McCarthy continued to tinker away at a truly thinking machine at Stanford. He never quite saw his dream reapsed.McCarthy则继续在斯坦福想要捣鼓出一台真正会思考的机器,可他从没看到这个梦想实现。

6.Google had looked at buying a newspaper but was "trying to avoid crossing the pne" between technology and content, Mr Schmidt said.施密特表示,谷歌曾考虑过收购一家报纸企业,但要“努力避免越过技术与内容之间的界限”。

7.When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.当乔治去睡觉,恐龙先生就和他窝在一起。

8.Mr Obama's erratic performance is partly the result of the rollercoaster world he finds himself in.奥巴马蹩脚的表现部分的源于他发现自己所处环境的残酷。

9.Mr King must write to the Treasury each month that inflation exceeds 3pc, and he said he is pkely to have to send several more letters.一旦通胀超过三个百分点,金恩行长就要每月致函给财政部,可能更多的报告。

10.In trying to resuscitate Doha, Mr Bush will be able to draw on support from business lobby groups.通过努力挽救多哈回合贸易谈判,布什将可以赢得商业游说团体的支持。