


美式发音: ['mʌglz] 英式发音: ['mʌglz]






n.1.A word used in "Harry Potter" books and movies to refer to those with no maigc ability

1.麻瓜 Confundus Charm 混淆咒 Muggles 是麻瓜 米勒娃 麦格 Minerva Mcgonagall ...

3.麻瓜们 NEWS 最新消息 MUGGLES 麻瓜们 INTRODUCTION 《哈利波特》简介 ...

4.蔑称lood)泥巴种,对出生麻瓜家庭(非纯血统)巫师的蔑称Muggles)麻瓜,非魔法界的人们 (Squib)哑炮,出生在巫师家 …

5.短号杂曲 ... 16: 威廉姆斯,斯彭瑟:烟火 Sweethearts on.... 17: 短号杂曲 Muggles 18: 海因斯:星期一约会 Hear Me Talkin' .... ...

6.也是 ... proud: 骄傲的,自豪的 Muggles 也是 bathroom: 洗手间 ...

7.不可能那样 ... probably: 大概,或许 Muggles 不可能那样 surprise: 使惊奇 ...

8.大麻 ... 海因斯:大麻 Muggles 瑞德曼,唐:听我对你说 Hear Me Talkin' to Ya? ...


1.But we, as Muggles , would be unable to comprehend how such a thing could be.但是我们,作为麻瓜,可能回这样的事情无法理解。

2.Hey Harry, check it out! Some muggles think you and Malfoy fit for each other! How absurd!嘿,哈利!有群麻瓜觉得你和马尔福很般配!真奇怪!

3.Scarcely a year previously, his father, Percival, had been convicted of a savage and well-publicized attack upon three young Muggles.近一年前,他的父亲,珀西瓦尔,因为公然使用暴力攻击三个年轻麻瓜而被定罪。

4.For over a year he constantly moved from place to place, inhabiting the homes of muggles who leave their houses unattended.一年多以来他一直马不停蹄地从一个地方搬到另一个地方,住在主人不在家的麻瓜房子里。

5.Ron, you know full well Harry and I were brought up by Muggles!你知道哈利和我都是由麻瓜带大的!

6.An' it's your bad luck you grew up in a family o' the biggest Muggles I ever laid eyes on.你在这样一个家庭里长大真是不幸,他们是我见过的最坏的麻瓜。

7.Conversely, if the magic trait is dominant mingling with Muggles poses a small threat to magic ability for your children.反之,如果魔法天赋具有显性特征,则与麻瓜结合会让你的孩子有不具有魔法能力的小的可能性。

8.Muggles as well as Wizards will find copies of this well-known reference at bookshops everywhere.麻瓜和巫师都可以在各个书店中找到这本著名的参考书。

9.These spells are used routinely by the Ministry of Magic as they work to keep the Wizarding World a secret from the Muggles.当魔法部致力于不让麻瓜知道魔法世界的工作时,这些通常被作为最常用的咒语。

10.In " Harry Potter" , muggles are the butt of everyone's jokes in magical society .在《哈利·波特》里,麻瓜在魔术界是被众人取笑的对象。