




1.音乐文化 爵士乐与流行音乐 Jazz and Pop Music 音乐文化 Music Culture 音乐教育 Music Education ...

2.乐感文化 ... ) Happiness 快乐感 ) music culture 乐感文化 ) Chinese 'HappySenseCulture' “乐感文化” ...


1.Zhou Dynasty ritual music culture begin from "beauting music" and concluding in the time of the court music secularization.周代礼乐文化从“乐”的雅化开始起步,到雅乐的世俗化结束,历经西周、春秋五百余年。

2.Chinese seal logo design elements, combining Dunhuang frescoes in the sky designs reflect the rich Chinese folk music culture.标志设计以中国印章的元素,结合敦煌壁画的飞天图案,体现出浓郁的中国民乐文化特色。

3.In the western music culture, string quartet is of special importance that many master composers put depcate and deep emotion in it.在西方音乐史中,弦乐四重奏有着十分重要的地位,许多作曲大师对这种表演形式倾注了最细致和最深刻的感情。

4.The music culture of the Zhou Dynasty looks on the relationship between the voice and qi with rational spirit, stresses the rule of will.周代礼乐文化用理性精神看待声与气之间的关系,强调志的统辖作用。

5.The second big enabler is intellectual property , because in fact I got up here and I talked about how great the music culture is .第二大推动者是知识产权,因为事实上,我站在了这里并且说到音乐文化多么了不起。

6.But as it spreads over wide area with other nationapties, its customs and music culture are different from branch to branch.由于苗族分布广,大多呈杂居形态,各地的民俗风情、音乐文化具有明显的差异性。

7.Tea culture is respect for the natural good fortune, the pursuit of contentment of the music culture.茶文化,是崇尚自然造化,追求自得之乐的文化。

8.Brief Introduction: The books which select classic folk songs of Chinese and foreign countries, is a treasure of music culture.内容简介:精选中外经典民歌、名歌,弘扬民族音乐文化,仅应时代精神,是音乐文化长河中的魂宝。

9.Thus strengthening traditional music culture in ordinary music education is an important way to reverse the current situation.在普通音乐教育中加强传统音乐文化教育,是改变这一面貌的重要途径。

10.However, in many minority areas, the local music culture is still in the school music education in the "fringe. "然而在许多少数民族地区,本土音乐文化仍然处在学校音乐教育的“边缘地带”。