




1.桑森代公司家常便饭的裁员今后预计将持续下去。野村证券的分析师纳桑森(Nathanson)认为,独立之后,时代公司将形成一种勤 …

2.内森逊加尔布 雷斯(Galbraits)与内森逊Nathanson)发展了钱德勒的思想,认为人力 资源管理工作应与企业战略和组织结构柜符 …

3.纳塔森来自诺丁汉大学医院的纳塔森(Nathanson)教授介绍了吸入麻醉在英国的应用情况。与全凭静脉麻醉(TIVA)相比,吸入麻醉的费用 …


1.Deserves a special thanks for his endowment of the Nathanson Fellows, between the Voice of America and the Annenberg School of Journapsm.特别鸣谢内纳森协会对美国之音和安能伯格传播学院(南加州大学)的支持。

2."It must be in some ways gut-wrenching because she's part of the culture, " Mr Nathanson says of the cuts.内桑森在谈到人员精简时说,“这一定会让她有点心痛,因为她是过去文化的一部分。”

3.Michael Nathanson, an analyst at Nomura Equity Research, ran an interesting breakup analysis of News Corp on Monday.上周一,野村证券研究部(NomuraEquityResearch)的分析师迈克尔•内桑森对新闻集团进行了一番解体分析,颇为有趣。

4."Not entirely free, " wrote Nathanson at the time. "But very, very cheap. "当时,内桑森写道:“虽然还没到完全免费的份上,但的确已经相当便宜了。”

5.He suggests investors focus on the former.Nathanson建议投资者把重心放在前者身上。

6.Last year just 23% of new broadcast shows were picked up for a second season, according to Michael Nathanson, an analyst at Nomura.野村证券的分析师迈克尔•内桑森(MichaelNathanson)说去年仅有23%的广播秀节目被续订了第二季。

7.I also want to thank Marc Nathanson, who's the chairman of BBG.我还要感谢广播管理董事会的主席,马克·内桑森。

8.The Jack and Mae Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and corruption杰克和梅·纳珊逊有组织犯罪和腐化研究中心