




1.音乐剧场 ... · Music Production and Technology 音乐作品与技术 · Music Theatre 音乐戏剧 · Music Theory 音乐理论 ...

3.音乐剧硕士ma, University of London)音乐剧硕士(Music Theatre);自2009年1月起受邀和吕柏伸共同担任台南人剧团联合艺术总监,并 …

4.音乐剧院 ... Waalse Krook Library / 瓦尔斯克罗克图书馆 Music Theatre / 音乐剧院 Zenith Music Venue / 齐尼思音乐厅 ...

5.音乐剧场硕士英国皇家中央演说戏剧学院(Royal Central School of Speech & Drama)音乐剧场硕士Music Theatre)。2011年获ACC补 …


1.At least, it is a faithful record of the Japanese was aristocratic pfe, and then dress, music, theatre, painting, etc.至少,它还是较忠实地记录了日本当时的贵族生活,以及那时的服饰,音乐,戏剧,绘画等概况。

2.Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music, Theatre and Entertainment Arts, Chinese Traditional Theatre.舞蹈,戏剧,电影电视,音乐,舞台及制作艺术,中国戏曲。

3.Interests: Digital art, Design, Reading, Writing, Music, Theatre, film, Literature, Basket-Ball.兴趣:数字式艺术,设计,阅读,写作,音乐,剧院,影片,文学,篮球。

4.An entertainment magazine usually tells you what's happening in are, music, theatre, dance. Movies, and sometimes television.这种杂志会告诉你最近在音乐界,在剧院里,进行着哪些精彩的节目!

5.Music, theatre, dance, painting, sculpture, writing. . .音乐,戏剧,舞蹈,绘画,雕塑,写作…

6.Music, theatre and film may provide much the same experience.想获得相似体验,你还可以听音乐、上剧院和看电影。

7.Bachelor of Appped Arts (Music Theatre Performance)应用艺术学士(音乐戏剧表演)