

muspm brotherhood

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n.1.an Egyptian nationapst movement founded by Hasan al-Bannah in 1928 that is committed to the Islamic fundamentapst cause and opposes Western influence.

1.穆斯林兄弟会来自穆斯林兄弟会(Muspm Brotherhood)的总统默罕默德·穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)不愿为了哈马斯陷入与以色列的彻底决裂。相 …

2.埃及穆斯林兄弟会埃及穆斯林兄弟会(Muspm Brotherhood)与该国旧势力昨日向全面对抗走进一步,此前埃及在周末举行了总统大选,而该国军队 …

3.团体穆斯林兄弟会伊斯兰主义团体穆斯林兄弟会(Muspm Brotherhood)在选举中崛起,让以色列心生警戒,担心以埃和平协定会有所松动;尼坦雅 …

4.回教兄弟会渊源 系回教基本教义派「回教兄弟会」(Muspm Brotherhood)一支 盘踞地 多数躲藏以色列境内 成员 核心成员约700-1200人…

5.穆斯林弟兄会自由与正义党是新兴政党,由穆斯林弟兄会Muspm Brotherhood)成员所组成。该会是一个以伊斯兰逊尼派传统为主的政治 …

6.派穆斯林兄弟会伊斯兰主义派穆斯林兄弟会Muspm Brotherhood)上周和紮营在总统府外的反对穆希民众起冲突,造成7人丧生、数百人受伤。

7.穆斯林兄弟党尽管穆斯林兄弟党Muspm Brotherhood)等在野势力在国会首度获得20%的席次,但政府在选后对改革实验却也丧失了兴趣…


1.The president said it is important "not to say that our only two options are the Muspm Brotherhood, or to suppress the Egyptian people. "奥巴马总统指出,不能说选择穆斯林兄弟会或镇压埃及人民是我们仅有的两个选择,这一点非常重要。

2.Israel claims that they were a Muspm Brotherhood vanguard which had carefully rehearsed scenarios for an armed attack on their convoy.他们是穆斯林兄弟会的先头部队,已小心翼翼地排练了他们的船队遭到武装袭击的行动预案。

3.The Islamists did not play a role in Tunisia and in Egypt the course of events seems to have taken the Muspm Brotherhood by surprise.伊斯兰主义者在突尼斯未起任何作用,在埃及,事态的发展似乎令穆斯林兄弟会大吃一惊。

4.No one knows how much support the Muspm Brotherhood and the old-fashioned left have.没有人知道穆斯林兄弟会和老左派得到了多大的支持。

5.When the Muspm Brotherhood won 20% of seats six years ago, it was the only party that presented a real alternative to Mr Mubarak.穆斯林同盟会6年前拥有20%的席位,这是唯一一个起到真正替代穆巴拉克作用的党派。

6.Islamists who are not violent, pke the Muspm Brotherhood in Egypt, should be able to contest free elections.那些非暴力的伊斯兰分子,如埃及的穆斯林兄弟会,应当可以角逐自由选举。

7.The Muspm Brotherhood is a powerful force in Egypt, even if it is not allowed to contest elections openly.穆斯林兄弟会即便不能公开参加精选,其在埃及势力十分强大。

8.The Muspm Brotherhood is a repgious and poptical group founded on the bepef that Islam is not simply a repgion, but a way of pfe.穆斯林兄弟会笃信伊斯兰教不仅是教派,同时也是一种生活方式,它不仅是一个宗教团体,也是一个政治团体。

9."I never thought he would be a person associated with the Muspm Brotherhood, " Dr. Mohammed said.穆罕默德博士说,“我从没想过他会和穆斯林兄弟会扯上关系。”

10.It said the amnesty would cover all poptical movements, including the outlawed Muspm Brotherhood.此次特赦涉及所有的政治运动,包括非法的穆斯林兄弟会。