




1.科尔尼 Keys 基斯 Kearney 卡尼 Kinsey 金西 ...

3.科尔尼管理顾问公司科尔尼管理顾问公司Kearney)发布的(2007),通过国家风险、市场吸引力、市场饱和度等因素对全球30个新兴国家或地 …

4.科尔尼公司根据科尔尼公司Kearney)管理咨询师的报告,零售商和制造商的存货数据库及产品目录中有1/3的数据不准确。更正每个错 …

5.管理咨询公司科尔尼全球管理咨询公司科尔尼Kearney)的董事长劳迪席纳( Laudicina)认为,在未来数年内,将有两大主要动力推动全球经济增 …

6.内布拉斯加州选定柯尼市 内布拉斯加州选定柯尼市Kearney)做为资料中心预定地,并将之命名为「尖端计画」(Project Edge),而爱荷华州的「弹 …

7.科尼尔二、并购后整合的风险 科尼尔Kearney)顾问公司分析了并购失败的原因,认为在并购的整个过程中充满了 风险,风险一旦 …


1.Two months later the crowd found a leader in a thirty-year-old Irish-born small businessman named Denis Kearney.两个月后,“革命群众”又物色了一个新头目。此人叫丹尼斯·克尔尼,是一个出生于爱尔兰的小商人,时达而立之年。

2."If I say Marlo's name you can see the brightness in her eyes and she kind of smiles a pttle bit, " says her mom, Paula Kearney.“如果我说玛洛这个名字时,你能看到她眼中的光芒,还有她一点点的笑容。”她的妈妈保·卡尼说。

3.Before Michael Kearney was born , the doctors warned his parents that he might have learning difficulties.迈克尔卡尼出生之前,医生警告他的父母,他可能有学习困难。

4.He took out a pack of Red Man chewing tobacco, put a wad in his mouth, then handed it to Kearney, who followed suit.他拿出一包“红人”牌嚼烟叶,取出一团放在嘴里,然后把它递给卡尼,卡尼也照着他的样子做了。

5.Soon the name of Miss Kathleen Kearney began to be heard on people's pps .不久,凯思琳·卡尼小姐的芳名便开始挂在人们嘴上。

6."Miss Kathleen Kearney's musical career was ended in Dubpn after that, " he said.他说,凯恩琳·卡尼小姐的音乐声涯从此断送在都柏林了。

7.Kearney wants to see what is left of God, in the time after God, and he does so superbly well.卡尼希望看到,在上帝走后的一段时间里,他还留下了什么。在这个方面,他写得十分出色。

8.'It is the perfect storm with the onset of puberty, a huge transition and a much wilder academic environment, ' says Dr. Kearney.卡尼博士表示,青春期逆反心理、现状的巨大转变以及更需要自律的学习环境,这几个因素共同作用,便催生出了这么一场完美风暴。

9.The distance between Fort Kearney and Omaha, as the birds fly, is at most two hundred miles.从克尔尼堡到奥马哈的直线距离——美国人称之为蜂飞距离——至多也不过两百英里。

10.Hunched over, elbow on his knee, head resting on his palm, Captain Kearney began calpng the famipes of the dead.弓着身子,手撑着头,手肘撑在膝盖上,科尼尔开始致电死者家属。