




1.我的书包 ·考试- Examination ·我的背包- My Backpack ·生活在未来- Live in the future ...

3.背上阿仔1/11 的这个星期五, 偷偷地提早放工, 回家一背上阿仔 (My Backpack), 就赶到机场准备飞到 Malaga, 但竟然得到了不合理旳 2 …



1.While my backpack and I are running around the world, my hard drive is still safely at home, turned off and under lock and key.当我背着包满世界乱转的时候,我的硬盘还被锁在家里。

2.Trying to be a hero, I dropped my backpack and ran up to help her, but ended up sppping and landing on her leg.我很帅地扔下背包跑去扶他,然后也滑倒了,扑在她腿上。

3.Then he saw my backpack. "Most anybody around here will let you pitch a tent on their land, if that's what you want, " he said.这时,他看见我的背包,“这里周围的绝大多数人会让你在他们的土地上搭帐篷的,若你仅仅是搭一个帐篷的话,”他说道。

4.I take out a bag of candy from my backpack and hold it out to the children.我从背包里拿出一包糖分给孩子们。

5.Sure. Just a minute. Let me take my camera out of my backpack .没问题。稍等一下。让我把相机从我的背包里拿出来。

6.Hey, it's cool, Father. There're still two parachutes left. The smartest man in the world just jumped out of the plane wearing my backpack.嘿,神父,真是太棒了!我们还有两个降落伞,那个自称世界上最聪明的人背了我的背包跳出去了。

7.When I think of a way people, please feel free to put my backpack and handed me a person walking.当我想一个人上路,请放心地把背包递给我,让我一个人走。

8.I had to carry my backpack with me all day.我一整天都不得不随身背着背包。

9.I was feepng sorry for him all day. It took me 9 hours to remember that I actually loaned him my backpack for his trip.我一整天都觉得他挺可怜的,结果九个小时后我才想起来他的背包是我借给他的。

10.Today, a boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggpng on crutches with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me.今天,当一个坐轮椅的男孩看到我绝望的因为我骨折的腿拄着拐杖,他主动过来帮我拿背包和书。