




1.我最好的朋友 Family,Friends,Career- 家庭,朋友, My Best Friend- 我最好的朋友 On Friendship- 谈 …

2.我的好朋友 难忘的一天- A Day to Remember My Best Friend- 我的好朋友 I Was Caught- 我被抓住了 ...

3.我最要好的朋友 我的小侄女- My Little Niece 我的挚友- My best Friend 我一生的计划- My Career Pla…

5.我最亲密的朋友 善意的谎言- A Kind Lie 我最好朋友- My Best Friend 让座- Offering a Seat ...


1.Today, I finally decided to tell my best friend that I had a crush on him for five years.今天我下定决心要对好朋友表白说我暗恋他五年了。

2.One of my best friend's spouse seems to be psycho!我有一个要好的朋友,他的另一半似乎是神经病!

3.We. . . well, we just pke to be together all the time. You know, we're best friends. She's my best friend.我们…嗯,我们就想一直都在一起。你知道,我们是好朋友。她是我的最好朋友。

4.After six months of this, my best friend begged me to go out with her co-worker who she said was 'average-looking, but off-the-charts nice.在六个月之后,我最好的朋友央求我去和她的一位同事约会,这位同事据他讲是“虽然相貌平平,但是人非常的好。”

5.The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancee for the past three months.第二个是我最好的朋友,向我坦率说从前三个月来她一直和我的未婚夫行动不轨。

6.They remind me of how much I love my best friend, Laura, and to always take good care of our friendship.她们让我想起我与我的好友劳拉之间美好的友谊,并提醒我要好好珍惜我们的友情。

7.My best friend is xiao p, but last week in school we had a big fight, and she did not talk to me .小莉是我最好的朋友,但是上星期我们在学校吵了一架,然后她就不和我说话了。

8.My best friend is going to ask my sister out on a date.我最要好的朋友要约我妹妹出去约会。

9.You know what? I know Chandler longer, so I always think of him as my best friend, but now. I may have to rethink some stuff.你知道吗?我认识Chandler更久,我也一直把他作为我最好的朋友,不过现在……我想应该重新考虑一下了……

10.I thought that he was good. and he would be my best friend. you know. forever.我以为他很好。他会是我最好的朋友。你知道的。那种永远性的。