




1.小船 Carry me back to old Virginny 带我回维吉尼亚故乡 Small boat 小船... capped FRN 具上限浮息票据 ...

2.扁舟 得寸进尺 pt. win an inch,want a foot 扁舟 small boat;skiff 客店 small hotel;inn ...

3.小舟 太后- --so later 小舟- --small boat 老黄瓜- --huanggua old ...

4.小小船图片 selection 选择... 小小船图片 small boat 在海德尔堡小餐馆图片 cafe at Heidelberg ...

5.自费坐小船 自费坐小船 Small Boat 30,000d 花费: Lunch 78,000d ...

6.缩细船仔 Mini Boat 船仔 Small Boat 缩细船仔 Mini scooter 脚踏车 ...

7.小帆船 ... 迷你针织鞋 - Mini knitted shoes 小帆船 - Small Boat 小金鹿 - Gold Deer ...


1.With its passengers bundled against the arctic wind blowing off the Beaufort Sea, the small boat speeds smoothly across the lagoon.迎着吹过北福海的北极寒风,随着匆忙前进的游客,小船快速平稳地穿过环礁湖。

2.The American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.美国一位投资银行家站在墨西哥沿海小村的码头上,这时有一艘小船靠近码头,船上仅有一个渔夫。

3.It was an old man, rowing a small boat. Love is ecstatic and quickly cpmbs into the old man's boat.这是一位老人,划着一只小船,靠近了爱。爱喜出望外,连忙登上了老人的小船。

4.they seized the ship, and put him in a small boat to float at the mercy of the sea.他们夺了船,把船长放进一条小船,任其在海上漂泊。

5.While an assistant stood guard in a small boat, I sank to the bottom with a camera encased in a bubble-shaped underwater housing.我的一个助理站在小船旁边给我望风,而我就用一个泡泡一样的水下防护罩把相机包了起来,然后带着它一起潜到湖底。

6.The small boat arrives on dry land safely and the old man leaves. Because Love is so happy, she forgets to ask for his name.小船安全地到达了陆地,老人独自走了。爱因为太高兴了,竟然忘了问老人的名字。

7.Overloading a small boat can be dangerous, because if the boat sinks too deeply into the water, water may enter the boat over the sides.超载小船可能非常危险,因为如果船吃水太深,水可能漫过船弦,进入船内。

8.The ship said it had been fired on by men in a small boat, who were trying to board it.这艘船说,一艘小船上的人向他们开火,并企图登上他们的商船。

9.And, Jake, don't stand up in the boat. Never stand up in a small boat.另外,杰克,不要在船上站起来。永远不要在小船上站起来。

10.I was in a small boat during the storm, but it stopped after half an hour and I was able to breathe again.暴风雨期间我正呆在一只小船上。但半小时后暴风雨就停了,我这才松了一口气。