




1.吾国与吾民 ) Wu 吾 ) My Country and My People吾国吾民》 ) Dominick And Eugene 吾兄 …

3.卖国与卖民在“包装”中国古人,“炒作”生活的艺术,戏之曰 “卖国卖民”(My Country and My People)。所以在这个层面来看,林语堂称 …

7.吾人于吾国土吾民》中的一首诗的中文原貌 林语堂在用英文写的《吾土吾民》(“MY COUNTRY AND MY PEOPLE”)中引用了四句咏 …


1.My Country and My People is an honest, humorous and insightful book about a very complex and diverse country.《吾国与吾民》是一本关于一个极为复杂、极其多样化的国家的书籍,文笔坦率、诙谐,而又见解深刻。

2."It's also important that I use my position to help my country and my people. "“同样重要的是,我必须利用自己的地位帮助我的国家和人民。”

3.Edited by Hanzi Shufa Bao, excerpt from Chinese Calpgraphy of My Country and My People by Lin Yutang.节选自林语堂著《吾国吾民》之《中国书法》,题目为编者所加。

4.My chief end is to serve my country and my people.我的首要目标是为国为民服务。

5.In 1936, at the invitation of Pearl S. Buck, he wrote and pubpshed My Country and My People, which became very popular in America.1936年,受赛珍珠邀请,创作并出版了《吾国与吾民》,该书在美国非常受欢迎。

6.One is My Country and My People.一本是《吾国和吾民》。