


美式发音: [sɪp] 英式发音: [sɪp]



网络释义:系统级封装;会话初始协议(Session Initiation Protocol);会话发起协议

过去式:sipped  第三人称单数:sips  现在分词:sipping  搭配同义词

v.+n.sip tea,sip juice





1.[i][t]小口喝;抿to drink sth, taking a very small amount each time

She sat there, sipping at her tea.她坐在那儿抿着茶。

He slowly sipped his wine.他慢酌浅饮。


1.一小口(饮料)a very small amount of a drink that you take into your mouth

to have/take a sip of water喝一小口水



v.1.to drink in small amounts

n.1.a small amount of pquid taken into your mouth

1.系统级封装 IETF RFC 3261 摘要: 本文档描述了会话发起协议SIP) ,即有一个或多个参与者的用于创建、修改和终止会 话的应用层 …

4.会话初始化协议 ●escapist n. 逍遥者 ●sip v. ,啜 ●champagne n. 香槟酒 ...


1.With every sip, you'll know how much you have had.每吸一口,你就会知道自己已经喝了多少。

2.It was nice to be up in the middle of the night, when there was no sound in the house, and sip the tea John would make.半夜里从床上爬起来是一件很美妙的事情,房间里没有一点声音,静的出奇,可以慢慢的品尝约翰泡的茶。

3.He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them.他呷了一口饮料,妻子也呷了口,随后将杯子放在两人中间。

4.Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee . She smiled , as she tasted its rich aroma.最后,父亲要她饮一口咖啡。尝着芳香四溢的咖啡,她微笑起来。

5.He took a sip of his coffee and then told me his story.抿了一口咖啡,他给我讲了自己的故事。

6.The sergeant is a cool hand; shells were exploding close to our position but he just continued to read his book and SIP his tea.那中士是个沉着的人,炮弹在我们阵地旁边爆炸,但他仍然继续看他的书,呷他的茶。

7.Proxy: A useful API when trying to query or change how the container proxies on a SIP request.Proxy:尝试查询或更改容器如何对SIP请求进行代理操作时非常有用的API。

8.He took a sip of the drink. His wife also took one and then set the cup down between them.他喝了一口饮料,接着他的妻子也喝了一口,然后又把饮料杯放回了他们之间。

9.With your first course , eat the plates. For your drink , sip out of a tupp . And if there's too much sun coming in, close the salami.第一道菜,把盘子一起吃下肚,喝饮料则得从一朵郁金香里头吸出来。如果嫌阳光太强,就把义大利萨拉米香肠关上。

10.Mr. Jackson gave a faint sip, as if he had been tasting invisible Madeira.杰克逊先生轻轻呷了一口,仿佛是在想象中品尝马德拉葡萄酒。