




1.我的爷爷 1982 《猎头》 The Head Hunter 1982 《我的爷爷My Grandfather 1983 《我的妈妈》 My Mother ...

2.我的外公 网上交友- Making Friends on Line 我的外公 My Grandfather 愚人节- April Fool ...

3.祖父 比喻记人:烛光- A Candle 事例记人:祖父- My Grandfather 对话记人:当好班长- Being a Monitor ...

4.我的祖父 我的学业 My Study 我的祖父My Grandfather 中搜索:我的同学 My Classmates ...

5.我祖父 ... “My grandfather!”“ 我祖父!” “My son!”“ 我儿子!” ...

6.我的姥爷 My Grandmother 我的奶奶 My Grandfather 我的姥爷 The Twin Brothers 孪生兄弟 ...

7.我外公 别这么没用 来吧 你不会伤到它们的 Don't be so timid. 我外公 My grandfather. ...


1.My grandfather, Jack Kelly, was one of the premier rowers of his day.我的祖父,杰克•凯利曾是做好的赛艇运动员之一

2.After the war was over, the other pilots in my grandfather's company took a poll to see who was the bravest, and my grandfather won.战争结束后,我祖父所在公司做了一个民意调查,看看谁是最勇敢的人,我祖父当选了。

3.There was a picture of my grandfather in his Citadel uniform. He was a member of the class of 1942, the war class.一张是身穿大本营军校军服的祖父,他是1942年那一届的学生,战火中的军校生。

4.So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too.而我爷爷就一直帮她涂指甲油,就连他的手得了关节炎,也没有停止过。

5.I just love boxes. My grandfather was sort of the guy who, you know, kind of got me into all sorts of these things.我的外公是那种,让我对这一切产生兴趣的人。

6.But my grandfather used to drink a cup of green tea before he went to bed when he was young.但我爷爷年轻的时候,睡前一定要喝杯绿茶,否则他睡不着。

7.I stayed with my uncle whose house was opposite where my grandfather pved, and walking home with him one day we met the doctor.我还去了外公住处对面的舅舅家,陪他呆了些时日,回家时,我们问了医生。

8.One day he became so annoyed at my grandfather that he hit him on the head with a heavy stick.有一天,包工头对我的祖父非常恼怒,以至于用一个大棍子狠狠地击中了他的头部。

9.3Myles thought carefully about this and then said, "I know all that, Mom. But I don't understand why my grandfather had a girl's name. "3迈尔斯很仔细地想了一下,然后说道:“这些我都懂,妈妈。可是我不知道外公为什么会有一个女孩子的名字。”

10.I watched as my grandfather took the key from his pocket and opened the door in the old clock and used the key to wind it up.这是怎么办到的?我看着我的祖父从口袋里拿了钥匙,打开门旧钟和使用关键发条罢了。