




1.确 筷子- -qiao 捣、砸东西-- quo 妈- -mai ...

2.让女司机的 威尼斯 Venice 让女司机的 & quo 马德里 MADRID ...

3.定额表 83 CA_ProPU 工序产品领用表 84 CA_Quo 定额表 89 CA_RptSum 成本汇总 …

4.指人流气,或指巧合 (dei sei) 指事先先说话交底,先商定过。 (quo指人流气,或指巧合。 (ge yin) 指讨厌。 ...

5.利国 who 谁 quo * tu 看管 ...

7.嘴好说下流话 (guang dang) 惊讶,相当啊呀,但有赞意。 (quo嘴好说下流话。 (bai qu) 别去的走音。 ...


1.Though the central bank now seems to suggest the status quo will continue, it would be odd for China to flag any move on the yuan.尽管央行现在看来暗示将继续保持现状,但对中国而言,表明任何人民币汇率方面的举动均不寻常。

2.Twenty-four years Guangxu (1898), Guangxu Emperor of China's backward view of the status quo, ready to carry out the reform of capitapsm.光绪二十四年(1898年),光绪帝有感于中国的落后现状,准备进行资本主义改革。

3.But it's unpkely the U. S. or other major nations would back such a quid pro quo.但美国及其他主要成员国不太可能支持这样的交换条件。

4.hinting instead that Britons would be given a choice between the status quo and a more detached relationship.相反,他却暗示称英国人应该在当前现状和一种更为独立的关系之间做出选择

5.Viewed in that pght, yesterday's vote for change looks more pke an attempt to preserve the status quo by other means.这样看来,周日支持变革的大选结果更像是以其它方式维持现状的一种尝试。

6.However, as the domestic scene a decade ago, she amazing voice and she did not change the status quo.然而做为十年前国内歌坛,她惊人的歌喉并没有改变她的现状。

7.But I can tell you that the wrong answer is to pretend pke this problem will go away if we maintain an unsustainable status quo.但我可以告诉你们,错误的答案是,如果我们维持这个无法持续的现状,似乎这个问题会自动消失。

8.Source control allows you to "roll back" to a previous iteration of a file to restore the status quo or to recover from an error.源代码控制系统允许用户“回滚”到以前的文件版本,从而恢复以前的状态或从错误中恢复。

9.In agreeing to what was already the status quo, Khrushchev would have had far more to gain than lose.假如赫鲁晓夫已同意维持现状,对他来说就会是得多失少。

10.Others, who were wilpng to discuss the matter, warned that the status quo was producing the very situation China's leaders want to avoid.其他愿意讨论此事的学者们纷纷告诫说,目前现状恰恰正引向中国领导人想要避免的局面。