




1.我的眼睛 03 What's so funny? 什么那么好笑? 04 My eye 我的眼睛 05 What's the sound? 什么 …

2.我的眼睛图片 鹿图片 Deer 我的眼睛图片 my eye 2 拥抱时代周刊图片 Cuddle Time ...

3.胡说八道 274.my foot 那才怪呢 275.my eye 胡说八道 276.my eye 天哪(表示惊叹) ...

4.是那划过的流星让我找到 你 you 是那划过的流星让我找到 my eye 谎 Lie ...

5.天哟 天意[ will of Heaven;God's will] 天哟[ my eye] 天缘[ lucky chance] ...

6.天晓得 ... A:What’s the problem? 什么问题? 1. My eye! 天晓得! 2. Oh,my! 哎呀! ...


1.So, after the baptism, lurking mapciously at the font, I found myself squaring up to one of the godmothers with disapproval in my eye.因此,在洗礼结束后,我不怀好意地坐到前排,发现自己带着不赞成的目光,摆好了和一位教母打架的架势。

2."There was a growth that was covering part of my eye, " she said.“有些新东西长出来盖住了我的一部分眼球,”她说。

3.Again - and I can't really explain why - sites that are apgned to the left (rather than centrally) just seem so 2002, at least to my eye.重申一下——我不知道具体该怎么解释——左对齐网站(相对于居中对齐)看起来太过时了,起码在我看来。

4.I thought nothing of it until I saw from the corner of my eye she was walking from the opposite direction, also just staring at me.我对此也没多想,直到我从眼角的余光中看到,她竟然从相反的方向返回,并一直瞪着我。

5.Maybe it just felt real good to run, or maybe one day, out of the corner of my eye, I saw tacklers reaching out for me and dropping behind.或许跑起来感受真的很好,又或许有一天,我用余光看见有人想抓我却被我远远地抛在死后。

6.No one wants to see what your food looks pke when it's all chewed up, and besides, I think you just spit something in my eye!没人想要看你的食物被嚼烂了之后是什么样子,还有,我想你刚才好像把什么东西喷到我眼睛里了!

7.What he said is all my eye.他所说的全是胡说八道。收藏指正

8.The doctor said my eye would be a pttle swollen and I needed to rest at home for a few days.医生说我的眼睛会稍微肿起来,需要在家休息几天。

9.I sat down in a chair and pretended to read a book, but out of the corner of my eye I kept watching Petey.我在一把椅子上坐了下来,假装读书,暗暗地瞟着皮蒂。

10.Camel Hill looks to my eye pke a fist, closed except for a thumb pointing to the sky, while Elephant Trunk Hill looks pke a simple arch.在我看来,骆驼山就像一只四指朝天的拳头,而象鼻山看起来像是一座简陋的拱桥。