




1.我肚子痛 ... I want to go home. 我想回家。 My stomach hurts. 我肚子痛。 My head hurts. 我头痛。 ...

2.我胃疼 My knee hurts 我膝盖疼 My stomach hurts 我胃疼 My finger hurts 我手指疼 ...

3.胃痛 Making Dumppngs( 包饺子) My Stomach Hurts( 胃痛) Allergies( 过敏) ...

4.我肚子疼 ... He draws very well. 他画画非常好。 My stomach hurts. 我肚子疼。 The chair is made of wood. 这个椅子由木头制成 …

5.我胃好痛 My nose is stuffed up 我鼻子不通 My stomach hurts 我胃好痛 My stomach is upset 我翻胃 ...

6.我肚子不太舒服 ... 26.我的牙齿很痛。 My tooth hurts. 27.我肚子不太舒服My stomach hurts. ...

7.我的胃在疼 Unit 3 I've got diarrhea. 我在拉肚子。 Unit 4 My Stomach hurts. 我的胃在疼。 ...

8.我的胃会痛 ... 19.My ear hurts. 我的耳朵会痛。 20.My stomach hurts. 我的胃会痛。 21.It hurts here. 这里会痛。 ...


1."Sometimes I worry so much that my stomach hurts all the time. I'm so depressed, " he says.“有时候,我担心得胃痛。我太郁闷了。”他说。

2.When I even hear somebody say, 'I'm hungry. ', my stomach hurts. I feel the hunger inside me. I still remember the hunger.甚至当我听到有人说‘我饿’时,就会胃疼,仿佛亲历饥饿,我一直记着这种感觉。

3.My stomach hurts when I am hungry. I thought it was only hunger pains. Recently, it wakes me up just about every night before dawn.当我肚子饿时,我就胃痛。我原以为是饥饿痛。最近几乎每夜近天明前,我都会被疼醒。

4.What's the problem, Mr. Hills? I've got a pain in my chest. My stomach hurts, too.你怎么了,希尔斯先生?我的胸口疼,胃也疼。

5.My stomach hurts. Yesterday evening I ate too much.我肚子疼,昨晚吃多了。

6."My stomach hurts, mother, " he answered.“我肚子疼,妈妈,”他回答。

7.Well, my stomach hurts all the time, and my urine is greenish-yellow!呃,我的胃一直在痛,而且小便也是黄绿色的。

8.Still. my stomach hurts now, I've taken some painkillers.尽管如此,现在,我肚子疼,我吃了止疼药。

9.My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my finger hurts.我的头疼,我的肚子疼,我的手指疼。

10.I feel sick. My stomach hurts.我不舒服,我的胃子很痛。