




1.死魂灵 DAVID COPPERFIELD (大卫·科波菲尔) Dead Souls (死魂灵) DON JUAN (唐·璜) ...

2.死灵 1 Omen Sinistrum 噩兆 2 Dead Souls 死灵 3 Stake of my Soul 灵魂的树桩 ...

3.死灵魂 ... 21、 Linkin Park 林肯公园 [共5个回复] 30、 dead souls 死亡的灵魂 [共2个回复] 31、 Lordi 经典! [共6个回 …

5.亡者游魂i Gogol)在逝世前9天,将自己呕心沥血作品《死亡灵魂》(Dead Souls)的下半部烧毁;小说的结尾还是半截句子。

7.死魂员 Don Quixote 堂·吉诃德 Dead Souls 死魂员 Dear Enemy 亲爱的敌人 ...


1.He teaches all pberal sciences and gives account of dead souls that died in sin.他各人文科学和教给到死,死在仲心灵。

2.The magic power in Dead Souls is reflected in the hero Chichikov, who dominates the plot development as a magic "intruder" .《死魂灵》中的魔法力量通过主人公乞乞科夫发散出来,他作为一个带有魔力的“闯入者”,在情节发展中发挥着主导作用;

3.It follows that a probe into depicting art of things is an important prerequisite to the understanding of Dead Souls.应该说,探讨果戈理的写物艺术是解读《死魂灵》的重要前提。

4.I am reminded of the famous passage near the end of Gogol's Dead Souls.我记起果戈理《死魂灵》将近结尾的脍炙人口的一段文字。

5.Dead souls without rest, the graves are lonely and cold.死去的灵魂无法安眠,它们的坟墓孤寂又寒冷。

6.Can a freak create new pfe from rotting flesh and dead souls?畸形能使腐烂的尸体和死亡的灵魂获得新生吗?。

7.The novel Dead Souls marks the peak of Gogol's writing career.《死魂灵》是果戈里在创作上达到顶峰的标志。

8.Take up the challenge and sent them dead souls go to hell! !接受挑战并送这些不死亡魂下地狱去吧!!