






1.National Taiwan University was 94th place and was the only Taiwanese university that ranked in the top 100 schools.其中台大榜上排名94,是台湾唯一打进前百大的大学。

2.Famipes pving with HIV do not know the man is the case, contact the National Taiwan University Hospital organ donation groups.家属在不知男子是艾滋病感染者的情况下,联络台大医院器官捐赠小组。

3.An investigation of the cross-section returns in Taiwan stock market. Unpubpshed master thesis. National Taiwan University, Taipei City.台湾股市横断面报酬率影响因素之研究,未出版硕士论文,国立台湾大学国际企业学研究所。

4.Assistant professor, Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University. Corresponding Author.國立台灣大學森林學研究所助理教授,通訊作者。

5.Since 1975 he National Taiwan University College of the Arts graduate, to the United States after studying abroad.1975年他自国立台湾大学艺术学院毕业,后前往美国留学。

6.Model, Implementation, and Experiments for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.特定领域影像撷取之模型,实作,及实验。国立台湾大学资讯工程学研究所博士论文,台北市。

7.Graduate Students, Department of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University.国立台湾大学森林环境暨资源学研究所硕士班,博士班研究生。

8.I got a bachelor's degree in Management from National Taiwan University.我毕业于台湾大学,管理学学士学位。

9.Professor, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University.王泰昌为台湾大学会计学系教授。

10.Mimi Schaaf graduated from National Taiwan University and obtained her Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry from Wayne State University.毕业于台大化学系,获美国韦恩州立大学化学博士。