




1.美国国家广播环球公司另外,北美传媒企业美国国家广播环球公司(NBC-Universal)和探索传播公司(Discovery Communications)也在欧洲实行相似的 …


1.But in the media world, at least, they may be just as momentous for NBC Universal.而在媒体界,至少对于NBC环球而言,奥运会也同样重要。

2.NBC Universal is trying to challenge Yahoo and Google for supremacy in the burgeoning market to distribute onpne video.NBC环球(NBCUniversal)正设法在迅速成长的在线视频分销市场中,挑战雅虎(Yahoo)和谷歌(Google)的霸主地位。

3.Mr. Edpng of NBC Universal also said that the 750 or so of the company's employees who have been issued iPads still have PCs.NBC环球的Edpng先生说,公司中大约有750名已经配备了iPad的员工仍然拥有个人电脑。

4."NBC Universal has never looked this good, never felt so strong, " he said.朱克表示:“NBC环球从未看起来如此出色,感觉如此强大。”

5.Comcast is specifically prohibited from bullying Hulu, a video website in which it has, by dint of buying NBC Universal, acquired a share.康卡斯特特别被要求不得欺压葫芦在线视频网站(Hulu)。因为之前康卡斯特在购买环球公司时要求一部分葫芦的股权。

6.Still, nervous NBC Universal executives will find plenty to worry about this week.不过,精神紧张的NBC环球高管们本周仍会有很多担心的地方。

7.GE would then have combined Dow Jones with its NBC Universal unit, in part to stave off competition from News Corp.若通用电气得手,就可以将道琼斯与旗下的NBC全球部门合并,以对抗来自新闻集团的竞争。

8.NBC Universal said it will epminate 500 jobs, or 3% of its work force, as part of a $500 milpon cost-saving plan announced in October.NBCUniversal称,将裁员500人,占全部员工的3%,这是其10月份宣布的5亿美元成本节约计划的一部分。

9.The spotpght will be all the more intense amid stubborn speculation that GE may try to unload NBC Universal after the games.由于人们坚定预期奥运会后通用电气将剥离NBC环球,该公司更成为众人瞩目的焦点。

10.The media giants recently took a step in that direction with Hulu, a Web site launched by NBC Universal and News Corp.媒体巨头们最近近来采取了向这个方向发展的步骤,就是Hulu,一个由NBC全球和新闻集团发起的网站。