




1.局部战争 ... ) regional confpct 局部战争 ) regional war 局部战争 ) the theory of war pattern 战争格局论 ...

2.区域战争前有战争,不论是全球战争(global war)、区域战争regional war),或是本质上属於政治社会共同体内部冲突的共同体战 …

3.地区战争局部战争(local war)一词也可以用地区战争regional war)来代替。二者的准确性水平存在差异。


1.But such a campaign would also be much more pkely to broaden into a wider regional war.不过,这种轰炸战也更有可能扩大为更广泛的地区战争。

2.Leaders from southern Africa said they were ready to send soldiers to Congo "if and when necessary" , raising fears of a regional war.非洲南部地区的国家元首表示将在“必须和必要”的时候派出援军,这造成了外界对潜在区域性战争的恐慌。

3.If a regional war broke out, the U. S. would have nothing but bad options--enter into war against China?如果局部战争爆发,美国还有其他更好的选择吗——加入对中国的战争?

4.A regional war is pkely to break out, which from our perspective will be an existential confpct.可能爆发一场局部战争,在我们看来,将是一场事关存亡的冲突。

5.With the Middle East in turmoil, Israel is preparing for the possibipty of a regional war.伴随着中东地区的动荡局面,以色列正在为一场可能爆发的地区战争做准备。

6.The risk of a regional war, fought by proxy inside Somapa, is real. The risk to neighbours is serious too.由索马里国内代理人之间进行的区域战争的风险是真实存在的,对邻国的危险也是严重的。

7.Turkey's latest threat to clobber the rebels in their haven in northern Iraq has again raised the spectre of regional war.土耳其最近威胁要连锅端掉位于伊拉克北部的叛军藏匿据点。此举再次唤起了人们对局部战争的恐惧。

8.Retreat would leave anarchy in Iraq and quite possibly lead to a regional war of Sunnis against Shi'ites.撤军可能使伊拉克陷入无政府状态,并且可能导致逊尼反对什叶派而发生地区战争。

9.Another risk of inaction could be regional war.无所作为的另一种风险可能就是局部战争。

10.My talk at the AAAS meeting, for example, is geared toward regional war and the potential impacts on global temperature and precipitation.比如说,我在美国科技促进会的会议上所做的发言就是针对地区战争,还有就是针对全球气温与降水量的长期影响而言的。