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英文单词:非糖尿病(non-diabetes mellitus);肠杆菌科细菌;脱脂奶粉(nonfat dry milk)



1.非糖尿病(non-diabetes mellitus)30岁男子,返港后确诊感染俗称「超级细菌」的泛耐药肠杆菌科细菌NDM),上月23日不治,是本港首宗死亡个案,其家 …

3.脱脂奶粉(nonfat dry milk)脱脂奶粉(NDM)一般与烘焙食品的应用相联系,不过美国犹他州立大学营养食品系的研究还显示,生产加工商还能在禽肉制品 …

4.正十二烷基硫醇与原装进正十二烷基硫醇(NDM)相关的产品信息聚硫醇 十六硫醇 乙二硫醇 丙二硫醇 二硫醇 正硫醇 氨基硫醇 乙基硫醇 月桂硫 …

5.非糖尿病组非糖尿病组NDM):101名非糖尿病患者来自西安交通大学第一附属医院体检中心,年龄≥35岁,FPG<6.1 mmol/L并且PG2h…

6.超级细菌香港出现第三宗「超级细菌」(NDM)抗药大肠杆菌个案,带菌者为一名60岁的男子。他上月底出现骨痛及双脚乏力,次日住进 …

7.程序的中心位置(NetView Distribution Manager)  IBM的NetView Distribution Manager(NDM)是一个可以分发、安装和更新网络工作站上软件的管理软件。     特许软件包用于保证 …


1.At least one of the NDM-1 infections the researchers analysed was resistant to all known antibiotics.研究者分析现在至少有一种NDM-1的感染对现在已知的所有抗生素都有耐药性。

2.The findings showed patients in the Indian subcontinent had a significant presence of a gene called NDM-1.研究发现,印度次大陆的许多患者都有一种名为NDM-1的基因。

3.And currently, most of the bacteria carrying NDM-1 have been treatable using a combination of different antibiotics.目前为止,大多数携带NDM-1的细菌感染都可以用多种抗生素联用治愈。

4.International travel and medical tourism have already brought the gene, known as NDM-1, to the UK.跨国求医和旅行已经把这种名为NDM-1的基因带到了英国。

5.NDM-1 isn't a single microorganism, but rather an enzyme able to chew through most antibiotics.NDM-1不是一个单一微生物,而是能对抗大多数抗生素的一种酶。

6.They found the NDM-1 bacteria present in two of fifty drinking water samples.他们在50份饮用水水样的2份中发现了NDM-1细菌。

7.Many of the UK NDM-1 positive patients had travelled to India or Pakistan within the past year, or had links with these countries.英国NDM-1阳性患者多在过去1年中曾前往印度或巴基斯坦旅行,或曾与上述国家有某种牵连。

8."NDM-1" , or New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, was first identified in a Swedish patient who had returned from New Delhi in 2008.2008年首次在一名从新德里返回的瑞典病人身上识别出“NDM-1”,即新德里金属β-内酰胺酶。

9.The researchers also reported finding NDM-1 in bacteria from medical patients.研究人员还报告称,在患者身上发现了NDM-1。

10.The NDM-1 is a gene that produces an enzyme that deactivate basically all antibiotics.NDM-1实际上只是一种基因片段,他可以产生一种酶,分解掉几乎所有的抗生素。