


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=pulse frequency)【无线】脉冲频率

英文单词:功率因数(Power Factor);大前锋(Power Forward);酚醛树脂


abbr.1.【无线】(=pulse frequency)脉冲频率

abbr.1.[Wireless](=pulse frequency)

1.功率因数(Power Factor)何谓功率因数(PF),请参考〔电力系统中的功率因数(PF)〕本范例假设功率因数(PF)=0.707 检测结果,如下图示: ▼  一月 (3) …

2.大前锋(Power Forward)虽然大前锋 (PF) 的身高比中锋还要矮小一点,但是因为超群的跳跃力和优异的冲撞力,让他们拥有华丽出众的抢篮板球能力, …

3.酚醛树脂酚醛树脂pf· 酚醛树脂pf 52· 酚醛树脂(pf)· 鲜花花泥-鲜花花泥产品相关搜索 红磷阻燃母粒 红网络 红色保护膜 红色大 红色挂牌 …

4.皮法3人同问皮法pf)是指什么? 2006-06-27 21:00 作业指导书 | 分类:理工学科 哪位老师告诉我好吗?


6.酚醛(phenol formaldehyde)三酚醛PF)泡沫特性 1. 酚醛泡沫历史 1907年比利时裔美国人贝克兰(Backeland)提出了关于酚醛树脂加热加压固化为塑料 …

7.电容量电容量pf) 50~3000 3000~7500 7500~45000 4×104~4×105分流位置 0.01 0.025 0.06~0.15 1.25附录3 各分流器位置可测量 …


1.What I saw there it was actually terrible, people were being harassed in the park, Africa Unity Square by ZANU-PF people, " he said. "他说:“我看到的情况是,很糟糕,人们在公园里公然遭到民盟成员的骚扰。”

2.He made his announcement just as members of Zanu-PF were visiting Asian countries to drum up support.他就是在民盟党成员访问亚洲国家寻求支持时,说这番话的。

3.He said the violence meant people had been given a choice, to vote for Zanu PF or die.他说,暴力意味着给人民一个选择:要么就投非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的票,要么就死亡。

4.That would be followed by a two-year transition and a gracious handover, perhaps to a compromise candidate within ZANU-PF.接下来会进行为期两年的过渡时期和慷慨的交接,可能会交接到ZANU-PF里面的一个折衷的侯选人手里。

5.Rumours of a coup, planned by a cabal of disgruntled senior security men and ZANU-PF bigwigs opposed to any real power-sharing, are rife.有个颇为流行的传言说,一位不满的高级军界人物,同时也是一名民盟党重要人物正在策划行动反对任何形式的分权。

6.The hotly contested home-affairs ministry, which oversees the police, is theoretically to be shared between the MDC and Zanu-PF.争论最为激烈的职位——监督警署的内务部长理论上将由MDC和民盟党共同承担。

7.The book is interesting. Most pf the children are interested in it.这本书很有趣,大多数学生对他感兴趣。

8.Moreover, Chinese investment will go through the traditional corrupt channels where the ruling Zanu-PF clique will have access to it.此外,中国的投资会通过传统的腐败渠道流入,执政的民盟集团将会拿到这些钱。

9.Zanu-PF would be loth to admit publicly that it was backing down over anything, least of all in the face of foreigners and whites.非洲民族联盟极不情愿地公开宣称它会支持,至少在外国人和白人面前不。

10.The next day Zimbabwe's ruling party, the Zanu-PF, endorsed Mugabe as its candidate for the 2008 presidential election.次日,津巴布韦的执政党,Zanu-PF,推举穆加贝为总统候选人参加2008年总统大选。