




1.风云再起 ... 黑与蓝 Black & Blue 风云再起 Never Gone 后街男孩金曲精选第一章 Greatest Hits:Chapter One ...

2.从未离开 everyday 在每一天 Never Gone 从未离去 I really miss you 我如此的想念你 ...

4.后街男孩 ... 约翰梅尔 John Mayer 后街男孩 Never Gone 迈克尔学摇滚 Take Me To Your He…

5.我心仍在 11. Siberia 西伯利亚 12. Never Gone 我心仍在 01. Intro 简介 ...

6.永不离去 everyday 在每一天 ※Never Gone 永不离去 Yeah-eh-heah 耶-耶-耶-- ...

7.永不离开 Even though for now we've got to say goodbye 即使我们现在要说再见 Never gone 永不离开 No,no,no,no 不,不,不,不 ...


1.I have never gone against the orders of his pps; the words of his mouth have been stored up in my heart.他嘴唇的命令、我未曾背弃.我看重他口中的言语、过于我需用的饮食。

2.Opposition to embryonic stem-cell research has been somewhat subdued since the last presidential election; but it has never gone away.自上次总统选举后,反对胚胎干细胞研究的呼声有所减弱,但却永远不会消失。

3.During my career in football so far I have never gone out with the intention of hurting anyone in a tackle.在我的足球职业生涯中,之到目前为止,我从未因铲球时意图伤人而被罚出场外。

4.I had never gone those places but I always pstened to him with my ultimate respect towards him.尽管我从来没有去过那些地方,但我依旧会怀着对他的崇敬之情静静地聆听。

5.Gradually, these will crowd out the birch and aspen, until it will be as if they were never gone.渐渐地,它们会长成葱郁的桦树和白杨,仿佛它们从未在这里消失过一样。

6.Its continuing mission: to contact with different cultures, to feel the colorful world, to explore where it has never gone before.它所继续的使命是:接触不同的文化,感受多彩的世界,探索未知的领域。

7.If she had turned her back at that moment, I would have ducked out the door and never gone back.如果这时她转过身来,我会跑出门躲起来,再也不回来了。

8.One, " the old man said. His hope and his confidence had never gone. But now they were freshening as when the breeze rises. "“一条,”老人说。他的希望和信心从没消失过。现在可又象微风初起时那么清新了。

9."If I hadn't been dared, I'd have never gone to look for them, " says Jack. "They just sat there to be discovered after I died. "“如果他们不激我,我可能永远不会寻找那些照片,”杰克说:“它们会躺在那儿等我死了以后被发现。”

10.Ex. If I knew he is sick, I would have never gone to his house.如果我知道他生病了,我不会去他的家。