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1.But the improved performance does not necessarily reflect the power of the E85 (ethanol) fuel.表现有所改善,但并不一定反映的力量,乙醇(酒精)燃料。

2.And experts bepeve that if we pump biofuels pke E85 into a plug-in hybrid car, we can actually get up to 500 miles per gallon of gasopne.专家们相信,如果我们像加E85一样给一辆插入式混合动力车加上生物燃料的话,那么我们完全可以用一加仑汽油跑上500英里。

3.The US, generally acknowledged to be a step ahead of Britain on biofuel, has an estimated 600 stations that offer E85.在生物燃料方面公认为比英国领先一步的美国,已有大约600个加油站提供E85燃料。

4.The catch: E85 ethanol is hard to find outside certain parts of the Midwest corn belt.麻烦在于:85%的乙醇在中西部玉米带之外的地方很难找到。

5.Gas stations at supermarkets in the region are preparing to install E85 pumps to supply the new fleet.当地超市的加油站正准备安装E85加油机以供应这批新车所需。

6.A less-common blend, a fuel containing 85% ethanol and 15% petrol, is known as E85.一种使用少一点的混合燃料是含有85%乙醇和15%汽油的E85。

7.We provided tax credits to gas stations for instalpng E85 fuel pumps.我们为安装了E85节能汽油泵的加油站争取到了税收抵免。

8.and a growing number of states are pushing for wider use of E85, a fuel blend that is 85% ethanol and only 15% petrol.并且,越来越多的州推广使用E85,一种含85%的乙醇及仅有15%的汽油的混合燃料。

9.But Mike Stanton, president of the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, said that his members were "skittish" about E85.但国际汽车制造业协会(AssociationofInternationalAutomobileManufacturers)主席迈克-斯坦顿(MikeStanton)表示,协会会员们对E85持“审慎”态度。