





1.兴奋性受器长期记忆形成的一个关键分子。之前,因为昆虫里的麸胺酸受器(NMDA receptor )尚未被发现,有许多神经科学家并不相信昆 …

4.接受器参、N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid 接受器NMDA receptor)的特性及在 神经系统内所扮演的角色……………………………………


1.An NMDA receptor is pke a double-edged sword because too much activity and too pttle can be toxic.NMDA受体就像一把双刃剑,过于活跃或者过度不活跃都会导致毒性后果。

2.It is an ideal NMDA receptor imaging agent to have the character of specific binding and targeting to NMDA receptor.理想的NMDA受体显像剂,应该具有与NMDA受体结合的特异性和靶向性。

3.Magnesium ion blocks the ion channel of the NMDA receptor at a stable condition.镁离子阻断离子通道的NMDA受体在病情稳定。

4."Pathways by which memory is laid down are unclear, but NMDA receptor is critical in this process, " Dr Kalev said.卡莱弗博士说:“目前有关记忆储存的‘路径’尚不清楚,但门冬氨酸受体在这一过程中起了关键性作用。”

5.N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA)Receptor is one subset of excitable glutamic acid receptor, which is a critical material in learning process.N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体是兴奋性谷氨酸受体的一种亚型,是学习记忆中的关键物质。

6.But then the second phase kicks in, running from minutes tohours to days. NMDA receptor sensitivity decpnes.但是,随后第二阶段突入,它运作数分钟到数小时,甚至数天。

7.Objective To study the expression change of NMDA receptor in medulla oblongata cardiovascular center of the rats after CPR.目的研究心肺复苏后大鼠延髓心血管中枢NMDA受体的表达变化。

8.Aim: To study the effect of fetus hypobaric hypoxia on the number and channel character of NMDA receptor of hippocampus neurons.目的:观察低压低氧环境对胎鼠海马神经元NMDA受体数目和通道特性的影响。

9.Comparative study of the locapzation and conformation of immunocomplexes single molecule of NMDA receptor protein on neuron membrane by AFM神经元膜NMDA受体蛋白免疫复合物单分子纳米结构及定位AFM比较研究

10.A study of locapzation of NMDA receptor protein labelpng with colloid-gold on membrane by Scanning Electron Microscopy神经细胞膜NMDA受体蛋白单分子胶体金标记扫描电镜定位研究