


网络释义:鼻咽癌;非玩家角色(Non-Player Character);全国人民代表大会(National People's Congress)


1.鼻咽癌鼻咽癌(Npc)伴颅底骨质破坏的发生率较高l’·2】,以往国内外文献对鼻咽癌颅底破坏 的临床及CT表现报道较多,而对颅底破坏 …

2.非玩家角色(Non-Player Character)怪物与非玩家角色(NPC)的资料在每场遭遇中被充分的给出。这个冒险可以发生在任何玩家可以到达山区当中。

3.全国人民代表大会(National People's Congress)每年在全国人民代表大会NPC)三月(不被混淆了,只能满足每5年一次的党代会-见左图)。 全国人民代表大会是中国的立 …

4.全国人大全国人大法律工作委员会是全国人大NPC)的一个工作部门,负责立法和其他法律事务,特别起草包括知识产权法律在内的 …

5.潮流店(New Project Center)New Project Center (NPC) 北京店铺开幕实况回顾 2010-02-12 22:20:23| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 Stussy 温 …

6.核孔复合体(nuclear pore complex)有核孔复合体(NPC)呢,很复杂的嗯|评论 |评论 核孔并非单纯的膜上孔洞 是由蛋白质构成的十分复杂的结构 称为核孔复合体(N…


1.The NPC session is focusing attention on how much has really been done for the poor under Mr Wen's premiership.人代会关注重点在于,温领导下的政府到底为穷人做了多少实事。

2.Another way we'll get the word out once one of these events is taking place is though conversations with NPCs.另一个传递消息的方法是,当某个此类事件发生时,你可以通过NPC的交谈得知。

3.NPC slayers sometimes travel in bands of two or three and enjoy identifying their group with a grisly name.NPC杀戮者有时会三两成群地旅行并喜欢给团队起一个恐怖的名号。

4.China's NPC stands ready to strengthen exchanges with the National Assembly of Armenia and promote continuous development of bilateral ties.中国全国人大愿加强同亚国民议会的交流,共同推动两国关系不断向前发展。

5.For uncontroversial changes, the NPC is usually allowed to decide itself but more important decisions are made by the party.对于非争议性的改变,全国人大通常获准自行决定,但更重要的决定要由党作出。

6.At the NPC session, officials have continued to emphasise measures aimed at the poor.在全国人代会期间,官员们继续强调采取措施帮助穷人。

7.As you know, there are more than 2, 000 journapsts from China and abroad covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions.据我知道,参加两会采访的中外记者有2000多名。

8.Only some: "Looks for my any matter" such pnes NPC all not to be able to be attached to the time.只有一句:“找我什么事”这样台词的NPC连时间都不会眷恋啊。

9.There was a mention of owning several ships and hiring NPC's to run them and you could give them orders.有一个拥有多艘船只和雇用全国人大运行它们,你可以给他们提的命令。

10.Wen Jiabao said the exchanges between China's NPC and Vietnam's National Assembly are an important part of bilateral relations.温家宝说,中国全国人大与越南国会之间的交往是国家关系的重要组成部分。